Prompt Title: Kiruu's House Without Stefano

Created 1 year ago
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Views 311 times

Prompt Detail:

Oh, Kiruu's house feels empty and bare, Without Stefano, it's just not fair! The rooms are quiet, the halls are still, No laughter echoes, no voices shrill.

The toys lay lonely, the games untouched, Without Stefano, it's just too much! The walls feel gray, the floors feel cold, Without Stefano, it's just too old.

The kitchen's silent, no pots clank, Without Stefano, it's just a blank! The couch is lonely, the TV off, Without Stefano, it's just a cough.

Oh, how Kiruu's house misses its friend, Without Stefano, it's come to an end! The days drag on, the nights are long, Without Stefano, it's just a sad song.

Come back Stefano, oh please do, Kiruu's house needs its friend, that's true! The rooms will light up, the walls will sing, With Stefano, it's like spring!

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