Prompt Title: OpenEHR for Sven

Created 2 years ago
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Human: Can you create an example for "Sven Svensson, a retired former car dealership owner, needs to book his third shot of vaccine against Covid-19 disorder. To this end, he uses a mobile app named “Open forever”, made available by the regional health system. The app asks for the person number, allergies, current medical problems, reactions to previous vaccinations, and prescribed medicines that the subject is currently taking"

Sure, here's an example scenario based on the information provided:

Sven Svensson, a retired former car dealership owner, recently received his second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. However, since he falls under the category of vulnerable individuals, he is now eligible for a third booster shot to ensure his immunity against the virus is at its peak. To schedule his third shot, Sven decides to use the mobile app "Open forever," which is made available by the regional health system.

Upon opening the app, Sven is prompted to enter his personal information, including his person number, allergies, current medical problems, reactions to previous vaccinations, and prescribed medicines that he is currently taking. Sven enters his information accurately to ensure that the health system has all the necessary details to schedule his appointment.

After entering his information, the app prompts Sven to select a date and time for his appointment. Sven chooses a date and time that is convenient for him, and the app confirms his appointment.

On the day of his appointment, Sven arrives at the designated vaccination center and receives his third shot of the Covid-19 vaccine. With the help of the "Open forever" app, Sven was able to easily schedule his appointment and provide the necessary information to the regional health system, ensuring a seamless and efficient vaccination process.

Human: Can you write the OpenEHR archetypes with sample data

Sure, I can give you an example of OpenEHR archetypes and sample data for a patient's blood pressure measurement.

  1. OpenEHR Archetype: Blood pressure measurement archetype, which captures information about a patient's blood pressure measurement.
{ "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1", "template_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1", "archetype_details": { "description": "An observation of blood pressure.", "definition": "The observation of the blood pressure of a patient.", "concept": { "text": "Blood pressure measurement" } }, "data": { "events": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-EVENT.blood_pressure.v1", "name": { "text": "Blood pressure measurement" }, "data": { "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.blood_pressure.v1", "name": { "text": "Blood pressure" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.systolic.v1", "name": { "text": "Systolic" }, "value": { "magnitude": 120, "units": "mmHg" } }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.diastolic.v1", "name": { "text": "Diastolic" }, "value": { "magnitude": 80, "units": "mmHg" } } ] } ] } } ] } }
  1. Sample Data:
{ "archetype_details": { "description": "An observation of blood pressure.", "definition": "The observation of the blood pressure of a patient.", "concept": { "text": "Blood pressure measurement" } }, "events": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-EVENT.blood_pressure.v1", "name": { "text": "Blood pressure measurement" }, "data": { "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.blood_pressure.v1", "name": { "text": "Blood pressure" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.systolic.v1", "name": { "text": "Systolic" }, "value": { "magnitude": 120, "units": "mmHg" } }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.diastolic.v1", "name": { "text": "Diastolic" }, "value": { "magnitude": 80, "units": "mmHg" } } ] } ] } } ] }

This is an example of a simple OpenEHR archetype for blood pressure measurement and sample data that includes a systolic value of 120mmHg and a diastolic value of 80mmHg. Note that this is just an example, and OpenEHR archetypes can be much more complex, depending on the requirements of the clinical domain.

Human: Can you add the example for Sven im my example

Sure, here's an example of how the Blood pressure measurement archetype and sample data could be used for Sven Svensson:

  1. OpenEHR Archetype: Blood pressure measurement archetype, which captures information about a patient's blood pressure measurement.
{ "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1", "template_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.blood_pressure.v1", "archetype_details": { "description": "An observation of blood pressure.", "definition": "The observation of the blood pressure of a patient.", "concept": { "text": "Blood pressure measurement" } }, "data": { "events": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-EVENT.blood_pressure.v1", "name": { "text": "Blood pressure measurement" }, "data": { "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.blood_pressure.v1", "name": { "text": "Blood pressure" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.systolic.v1", "name": { "text": "Systolic" }, "value": { "magnitude": 130, "units": "mmHg" } }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.diastolic.v1", "name": { "text": "Diastolic" }, "value": { "magnitude": 85, "units": "
Human: use person number, allergies, current medical problems, reactions to previous vaccinations, and prescribed medicines that he is currently taking

Sure, here's an example of how a patient's demographics, allergies, current medical problems, reactions to previous vaccinations, and prescribed medicines could be represented using OpenEHR archetypes and sample data:

  1. OpenEHR Archetype: Demographics archetype, which captures basic demographic information about a patient.
{ "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person.v1", "template_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person.v1", "archetype_details": { "description": "A cluster representing a person or patient.", "definition": "A cluster representing a person or patient.", "concept": { "text": "Person" } }, "data": { "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_name.v1", "name": { "text": "Name" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_name.v1", "name": { "text": "Given name" }, "value": "Sven" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_name.v1", "name": { "text": "Family name" }, "value": "Svensson" } ] }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_gender.v1", "name": { "text": "Gender" }, "value": "Male" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_date_of_birth.v1", "name": { "text": "Date of birth" }, "value": "1940-06-25T00:00:00Z" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_address.v1", "name": { "text": "Address" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.address.v1", "name": { "text": "Address" }, "value": "123 Main St." }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.address.v1", "name": { "text": "City" }, "value": "Anytown" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.address.v1", "name": { "text": "State" }, "value": "CA" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.address.v1", "name": { "text": "Zip code" }, "value": "12345" } ] }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_identification.v1", "name": { "text": "Identification" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.person_identification.v1", "name": { "text": "Person number" }, "value": "123456-7890" } ] } ] } }
  1. OpenEHR Archetype: Allergies archetype, which captures information about a patient's known allergies.
{ "archetype_id
Human: rewrite OpenEHR Archetype: Allergies archetype, which captures information about a patient's known allergie

Sure, here's a revised version of the Allergies archetype that captures information about a patient's known allergies:

{ "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.adverse_reaction_risk.v1", "template_id": "openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.adverse_reaction_risk.v1", "archetype_details": { "description": "A clinical evaluation of the risk of adverse reactions to a substance, such as a medication or food, based on the patient's allergy history.", "definition": "A clinical evaluation of the risk of adverse reactions to a substance, such as a medication or food, based on the patient's allergy history.", "concept": { "text": "Adverse Reaction Risk" } }, "data": { "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.adverse_reaction-allergy.v1", "name": { "text": "Allergy or hypersensitivity reaction" }, "value": "Pollen allergy" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.adverse_reaction_summary.v1", "name": { "text": "Adverse reaction summary" }, "items": [ { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.adverse_reaction.v1", "name": { "text": "Adverse reaction" }, "value": "Shortness of breath" }, { "archetype_id": "openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.adverse_reaction.v1", "name": { "text": "Adverse reaction" }, "value": "Rash" } ] } ] } }

This Allergies archetype includes an evaluation of the patient's risk for adverse reactions to a substance, as well as a summary of the patient's known adverse reactions. In this example, the patient has a known allergy to pollen and has experienced shortness of breath and a rash in response to previous exposures.

Shared 106 prompts
Created 2 years ago

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