Prompt Title: UML for Sven

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

Can you write an UML for "the information is sent to and processed by a clinical decision support system (CDSS). The preliminary processing results, which are sent to the same back-end system, are as follows: “take the vaccine”, alternatively “contact your healthcare centre”. Results are according to specific percentages (and the sum is 100%). For example, “take the vaccine”: 30 %, “contact your healthcare centre”: 70%. From the back-end system, the results are sent to a front-end system, and a healthcare professional decides the next step (“take the vaccine”, alternatively “contact your healthcare centre”), considering the proposed results and collected data. In case of “take the vaccine”, the subject receives a sms message with the address of the vaccination centre, and a date and time for the appointment. In case of “contact your healthcare centre”, the subject receives an explanatory sms message, with the contact information of the healthcare centre. Sven has now received a sms message. The message says <... please complete...>. Choice your option (“take the vaccine”, alternatively “contact your healthcare centre”) and write down the sms sent to Sven."
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Created 2 years ago

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