Prompt Detail:
Sure, here's an updated example of GDL code that includes a recommendation to contact a healthcare center based on specific percentages:
javascriptlibrary COVID_Testing_and_Vaccination_and_Medicines
define attribute age // define patient's age attribute
define domain integer
define attribute symptoms // define patient's symptoms attribute
define domain {"yes", "no"}
define attribute exposure // define patient's exposure attribute
define domain {"yes", "no"}
define attribute vaccination_history // define patient's vaccination history attribute
define domain {"none", "partial", "complete"}
define attribute vaccination_reaction // define patient's reaction to previous vaccinations attribute
define domain {"none", "mild", "moderate", "severe"}
define attribute medicines // define patient's prescribed medicines attribute
define domain {"none", "low", "moderate", "high"}
define guideline COVID_Testing_and_Vaccination_and_Medicines_Guideline // define the COVID testing, vaccination, and medicines guideline
rule COVID_Testing_Rule "COVID Testing Recommendation" {
if (age >= 18 and (symptoms = "yes" or exposure = "yes")) then
recommend "COVID test" with "PCR" method and "quarantine" for 14 days if positive
rule COVID_Vaccination_Rule "COVID Vaccination Recommendation" {
if (vaccination_history = "none") then
recommend "COVID vaccine" with "mRNA" vaccine and "two doses" schedule with 30% probability
recommend "contact your healthcare center" with 70% probability
else if (vaccination_history = "partial" and vaccination_reaction != "severe") then
recommend "COVID vaccine" with "mRNA" vaccine and "one dose" schedule with 30% probability
recommend "contact your healthcare center" with 70% probability
else if (vaccination_history = "partial" and vaccination_reaction = "severe") then
recommend "consult with physician before receiving vaccine"
else if (vaccination_history = "complete" and vaccination_reaction = "none") then
recommend "booster dose" with "mRNA" vaccine after 6 months with 30% probability
recommend "contact your healthcare center" with 70% probability
else if (vaccination_history = "complete" and vaccination_reaction != "none") then
recommend "consult with physician before receiving booster dose"
rule COVID_Medicines_Rule "COVID Medicines Recommendation" {
if (medicines = "low") then
recommend "continue with prescribed medicines"
else if (medicines = "moderate" and age >= 50) then
recommend "consult with physician before making any changes to medicines"
else if (medicines = "moderate" and age < 50) then
recommend "continue with prescribed medicines and monitor symptoms closely"
else if (medicines = "high") then
recommend "consult with physician before making any changes to medicines"
In this example, we have added a recommendation to "contact your healthcare center" after each recommendation for COVID testing, vaccination, or booster doses. We have also added specific probabilities for each recommendation to reflect the percentage of patients who should be recommended to take a certain action.
For example, if the patient has no vaccination history, they are recommended to take the COVID vaccine with a 30% probability and contact their healthcare center with a 70% probability. Similarly, if the patient has completed their vaccination, they are recommended to receive a booster dose with a 30% probability and contact their healthcare center with a