Prompt Title: SuggestSMS

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Sure, here are some possible SMS messages that Sven could receive based on the scenario:

  1. If Sven is instructed to take the vaccine: "Dear Sven, thank you for using Open forever app. Your vaccination appointment is confirmed. Please arrive at the vaccination centre located at [address] on [date] at [time]. Please bring your ID and wear a mask. Thank you."

  2. If Sven is instructed to contact his healthcare centre: "Dear Sven, thank you for using Open forever app. Our clinical decision support system has recommended that you contact your healthcare centre regarding your COVID-19 vaccine. Please contact your healthcare centre at [contact information] for further guidance. Thank you."

It's worth noting that the actual SMS messages may vary depending on the specific health system, and may include additional information or instructions.

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Created 1 year ago

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1 year ago 2023-06-24 09:05:24 ChatGPT