Prompt Title: DFR

Created 1 year ago
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Human: select [], [generalMetadata.accessPath], [generalMetadata.md5Hash] from [scanmetadata] where [generalMetadata.md5Hash] != '' and [generalMetadata.md5Hash] in ( select [generalMetadata.md5Hash] from [scanmetadata] group by [generalMetadata.md5Hash] having count([generalMetadata.md5Hash]) > 1 ) group by [], [generalMetadata.accessPath], [generalMetadata.md5Hash] order by [generalMetadata.md5Hash]

This appears to be a SQL query written in the Microsoft SQL Server syntax.

The query selects the name, access path, and MD5 hash from the table "scanmetadata" where the MD5 hash is not empty and is present more than once in the table. The results are grouped by name, access path, and MD5 hash, and sorted by the MD5 hash.

In other words, the query is looking for any duplicate files in the "scanmetadata" table by comparing their MD5 hash values. It then returns a list of unique file names, their access paths, and their corresponding MD5 hash values, sorted by the MD5 hash values.

Note that the specific database schema used in the query may vary depending on the context and the database management system being used.

Human: Suppose, we have total 18 tables like scanmetadata001, scanmetadata002, scanmetadata003 till scanmetadata018. Can you prepare similar query for the same

Yes, the following SQL query can be used to select the name, access path, and MD5 hash from all the "scanmetadata" tables where the MD5 hash is not empty and is present more than once in any of the tables. The results are then grouped by name, access path, and MD5 hash, and sorted by the MD5 hash.

SELECT [], [generalMetadata.accessPath], [generalMetadata.md5Hash] FROM (SELECT [], [generalMetadata.accessPath], [generalMetadata.md5Hash], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [generalMetadata.md5Hash] ORDER BY [generalMetadata.md5Hash]) as rn FROM ( SELECT * FROM scanmetadata001 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata002 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata003 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata004 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata005 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata006 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata007 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata008 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata009 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata010 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata011 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata012 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata013 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata014 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata015 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata016 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata017 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scanmetadata018 ) t WHERE [generalMetadata.md5Hash] != '') s WHERE rn > 1 GROUP BY [], [generalMetadata.accessPath], [generalMetadata.md5Hash] ORDER BY [generalMetadata.md5Hash]

This query uses a subquery to first union all the "scanmetadata" tables and then selects the name, access path, and MD5 hash from the resulting table where the MD5 hash is not empty and is present more than once. The "ROW_NUMBER" function is used to assign a unique number to each row within the group of rows with the same MD5 hash value. The outer query then selects only those rows where the row number is greater than 1, meaning that the MD5 hash value appears more than once. Finally, the results are grouped by name, access path, and MD5 hash, and sorted by the MD5 hash.

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Created 1 year ago

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