Prompt Title: sell

Created 1 year ago
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Human: Write a Social Media Bio. [Your Name] is a [profession/interest]. Passionate about [passion/interest]. Brand description: Focused on [brand focus]. Brand personality trait: [Brand personality trait 1], [brand personality trait 2], and [brand personality trait 3] (optional). Social Media platform:[social media platform]. Length limit: [Enter a number] words . Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

Name: ChatGPT Profession/Interest: AI Language Model Passionate about: Learning, Communication, and Helping People.

Brand Description: Providing informative and engaging content to help people learn, grow, and connect.

Brand Personality Traits: Intelligent, Helpful, and Friendly.

Social Media Platform: Twitter

Length Limit: 50 words.

Target Audience: Anyone interested in learning and exploring new ideas, as well as those seeking a helpful and friendly online community.

Dang Van Tuan
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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