Prompt Title: Type Error in Serialization.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: "message": "Type definition error: [simple type, class org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyInterceptor]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found for class org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyInterceptor and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain:[\"content\"]->java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList[0]->com.buurbak.api.trailers.model.TrailerOffer[\"owner\"]->com.buurbak.api.users.model.Customer$HibernateProxy$tGlsUkiF[\"hibernateLazyInitializer\"])",

This error message suggests that there is an issue with serializing an object of the class org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.bytebuddy.ByteBuddyInterceptor. This object is likely being referenced within a larger object graph that includes a PageImpl containing a list of TrailerOffer objects, and one of these TrailerOffer objects includes a Customer object which is a Hibernate proxy.

The error message indicates that there is no serializer available for the ByteBuddyInterceptor class, which is preventing Jackson (the JSON serialization library) from serializing the PageImpl object.

To resolve this issue, you could disable the SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS feature in Jackson. However, this may not fully resolve the problem as it could result in incomplete or incorrect serialization of the object graph.

Another option is to ensure that any objects in the object graph that need to be serialized have appropriate custom serializers registered with Jackson. In this case, you would need to provide a custom serializer for the ByteBuddyInterceptor class.

Human: where can u disable fail on empty beans

You can disable the SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS in Jackson by configuring the ObjectMapper instance used for serialization. Here's an example:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); objectMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);

In this example, the configure method is called on the ObjectMapper instance to disable the SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS feature.

If you are using Spring Boot, you can also configure this property in your file as follows:


This will globally disable the SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS feature for all ObjectMapper instances used in your Spring Boot application.

Human: what does fail on empty beans mean

In Jackson (the JSON serialization/deserialization library for Java), the SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS feature controls whether serialization should fail if the Java object being serialized has no properties that can be serialized.

By default, if an object has no properties (i.e. no fields with getters or public fields), Jackson will serialize the object as an empty JSON object {}. However, if the SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS feature is enabled, Jackson will instead throw an exception if it encounters an empty object during serialization.

Enabling this feature can help catch cases where there is a bug in the object being serialized, such as a missing getter method. However, in some cases, it may be desirable to disable this feature, such as when serializing objects that may legitimately have no properties, or when serializing data that comes from an external source and may not conform to a strict schema.

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Created 1 year ago

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