Prompt Title: Press Release: Protecting Local News

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Protecting Local News: Oregon House Bill Calls for Public Funding

Salem, OR - Local news is the backbone of a thriving democracy. Without it, communities can become disconnected and vulnerable to misinformation. However, local news outlets across Oregon are struggling, and many are on the brink of closure. That’s why we need your help to support House Bill 3456.

The bill, which is currently under consideration by the Oregon House of Representatives, would provide public funding to support local news outlets across the state. This funding would help ensure that Oregonians have access to the local news they need to make informed decisions about their communities.

The decline of local news is a national crisis, and Oregon is no exception. Over the past decade, the state has seen a decline in the number of local news outlets, and many of the remaining outlets are struggling to stay afloat. This has left many communities without access to critical information about local events, government actions, and more.

House Bill 3456 seeks to address this crisis by providing public funding to support local news outlets. The funding would be distributed through a competitive grant program, which would allow news outlets of all sizes and types to apply for support.

We urge you to support House Bill 3456 and help us protect local news in Oregon. By ensuring that our communities have access to accurate and reliable information, we can help build a stronger, more informed, and more resilient state.

For more information on House Bill 3456 and how you can help support local news in Oregon, please visit our website at [insert website here].

Thank you for your support.


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Andrew DeVigal
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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