Prompt Title: ui steps

Created 1 year ago
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Views 354 times

Prompt Detail:

Sure, here is an example of a wireframe prototype for a possible user interface for your MCQ test desktop application:

Home Screen Wireframe:

Home Screen Wireframe

This wireframe shows the home screen of the application, which includes options for logging in, creating a new test, and taking an existing test. The user can enter their login credentials or create a new account if they don't have one already. The home screen also includes a section to display the list of available tests, showing the test name, the number of questions, and the time limit.

Test-taking Screen Wireframe:

Test-taking Screen Wireframe

This wireframe shows the test-taking screen, which displays one question at a time, along with the answer options. The user can select one answer and move to the next question by clicking the "Next" button. The screen also includes a timer that shows the remaining time and a progress bar that indicates how many questions have been answered.

Results Screen Wireframe:

Results Screen Wireframe

This wireframe shows the results screen, which displays the total score, the percentage of correct answers, and the time taken to complete the test. The screen also includes an option to review the test, showing the questions, the user's answer, and the correct answer.

Remember that wireframes are just a visual representation of your application's user interface, and you can customize the design and layout to meet your specific needs and requirements.

Shared 2 prompts
Created 1 year ago
  • this is not a prompt... this is a response - bbrruuhh - 1 year ago

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