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/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) Pascal Gilcher. All rights reserved. ReShade effect file Support me: Path Traced Global Illumination * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited * Proprietary and confidential * See accompanying license document for terms and conditions =============================================================================*/ #if __RESHADE__ < 50100 #error "Update ReShade to at least 5.1.0" #endif /*============================================================================= Preprocessor settings =============================================================================*/ #ifndef INFINITE_BOUNCES #define INFINITE_BOUNCES 0 //[0 or 1] If enabled, path tracer samples previous frame GI as well, causing a feedback loop to simulate secondary bounces, causing a more widespread GI. #endif #ifndef SKYCOLOR_MODE #define SKYCOLOR_MODE 0 //[0 to 3] 0: skycolor feature disabled | 1: manual skycolor | 2: dynamic skycolor | 3: dynamic skycolor with manual tint overlay #endif #ifndef IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING #define IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING 0 //[0 to 3] 0: no ibl infill | 1: use ibl infill #endif #ifndef MATERIAL_TYPE #define MATERIAL_TYPE 0 //[0 to 1] 0: Lambert diffuse | 1: GGX BRDF #endif #ifndef SMOOTHNORMALS #define SMOOTHNORMALS 0 //[0 to 3] 0: off | 1: enables some filtering of the normals derived from depth buffer to hide 3d model blockyness #endif /*============================================================================= UI Uniforms =============================================================================*/ uniform int UIHELP < ui_type = "radio"; ui_label = " "; ui_text ="This shader adds ray traced / ray marched global illumination to games\nby traversing the height field described by the depth map of the game.\n\nHover over the settings below to display more information.\n\n >>>>>>>>>> IMPORTANT <<<<<<<<< \n\nIf the shader appears to do nothing when enabled, make sure ReShade's\ndepth access is properly set up - no output without proper input.\n\n >>>>>>>>>> IMPORTANT <<<<<<<<< "; ui_category = ">>>> OVERVIEW / HELP (click me) <<<<"; ui_category_closed = true; >; uniform float RT_SAMPLE_RADIUS < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0.5; ui_max = 20.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Ray Length"; ui_tooltip = "Maximum ray length, directly affects\nthe spread radius of shadows / bounce lighting"; ui_category = "Ray Tracing"; > = 4.0; uniform float RT_SAMPLE_RADIUS_FAR < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 1.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Extended Ray Length Multiplier"; ui_tooltip = "Increases ray length in the background to achieve ultra wide light bounces."; ui_category = "Ray Tracing"; > = 0.0; uniform int RT_RAY_AMOUNT < ui_type = "slider"; ui_min = 1; ui_max = 20; ui_label = "Amount of Rays"; ui_tooltip = "Amount of rays launched per pixel in order to\nestimate the global illumination at this location.\nAmount of noise to filter is proportional to sqrt(rays)."; ui_category = "Ray Tracing"; > = 3; uniform int RT_RAY_STEPS < ui_type = "slider"; ui_min = 1; ui_max = 40; ui_label = "Amount of Steps per Ray"; ui_tooltip = "RTGI performs step-wise raymarching to check for ray hits.\nFewer steps may result in rays skipping over small details."; ui_category = "Ray Tracing"; > = 12; uniform float RT_Z_THICKNESS < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0.0; ui_max = 4.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Z Thickness"; ui_tooltip = "The shader can't know how thick objects are, since it only\nsees the side the camera faces and has to assume a fixed value.\n\nUse this parameter to remove halos around thin objects."; ui_category = "Ray Tracing"; > = 0.5; uniform bool RT_HIGHP_LIGHT_SPREAD < ui_label = "Enable precise light spreading"; ui_tooltip = "Rays accept scene intersections within a small error margin.\nEnabling this will snap rays to the actual hit location.\nThis results in sharper but more realistic lighting."; ui_category = "Ray Tracing"; > = true; #if MATERIAL_TYPE == 1 uniform float RT_ROUGHNESS < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0.15; ui_max = 1.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Roughness"; ui_tooltip = "Roughness Material parameter for GGX Microfacet BRDF"; ui_category = "Material"; > = 1.0; #endif uniform float RT_FILTER_DETAIL < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 1.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Filter Sharpness"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 0.5; #if SKYCOLOR_MODE != 0 #if SKYCOLOR_MODE == 1 uniform float3 SKY_COLOR < ui_type = "color"; ui_label = "Sky Color"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); #endif #if SKYCOLOR_MODE == 3 uniform float3 SKY_COLOR_TINT < ui_type = "color"; ui_label = "Sky Color Tint"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); #endif #if SKYCOLOR_MODE == 2 || SKYCOLOR_MODE == 3 uniform float SKY_COLOR_SAT < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 5.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Auto Sky Color Saturation"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 1.0; #endif uniform float SKY_COLOR_AMBIENT_MIX < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 1.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Sky Color Ambient Mix"; ui_tooltip = "How much of the occluded ambient color is considered skycolor\n\nIf 0, Ambient Occlusion removes white ambient color,\nif 1, Ambient Occlusion only removes skycolor"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 0.2; uniform float SKY_COLOR_AMT < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 10.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Sky Color Intensity"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 4.0; #endif uniform float RT_AO_AMOUNT < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 10.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Ambient Occlusion Intensity"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 4.0; uniform float RT_IL_AMOUNT < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 10.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Bounce Lighting Intensity"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 4.0; #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 uniform float RT_IBL_AMOUT < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 1.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Image Based Lighting Intensity"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 0.0; #endif #if INFINITE_BOUNCES != 0 uniform float RT_IL_BOUNCE_WEIGHT < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 1.0; ui_step = 0.01; ui_label = "Next Bounce Weight"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 0.0; #endif uniform int FADEOUT_MODE_UI < //rename because possible clash with older config ui_type = "slider"; ui_min = 0; ui_max = 2; ui_label = "Fade Out Mode"; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 2; uniform float RT_FADE_DEPTH < ui_type = "drag"; ui_label = "Fade Out Range"; ui_min = 0.001; ui_max = 1.0; ui_tooltip = "Distance falloff, higher values increase RTGI draw distance."; ui_category = "Blending"; > = 0.3; uniform int RT_DEBUG_VIEW < ui_type = "radio"; ui_label = "Enable Debug View"; ui_items = "None\0Lighting Channel\0Normal Channel\0History Confidence\0"; ui_tooltip = "Different debug outputs"; ui_category = "Debug"; > = 0; uniform bool RT_DO_RENDER < ui_label = "Render a still frame (for screenshots, reload effects after enabling)"; ui_category = "Experimental"; ui_tooltip = "This will progressively render a still frame. Make sure to set rays low, and steps high. \nTo start rendering, check the box and wait until the result is sufficiently noise-free.\nYou can still adjust blending and toggle debug mode, but do not touch anything else.\nTo resume the game, uncheck the box.\n\nRequires a scene with no moving objects to work properly."; > = false; uniform bool RT_USE_ACESCG < ui_label = "Use ACEScg color space"; ui_category = "Experimental"; ui_tooltip = "This uses the ACEScg color space for illumination calculations.\nIt produces better bounce colors and reduces tone shifts,\nbut can result in colors outside screen gamut"; > = false; uniform bool RT_USE_SRGB < ui_label = "Assume sRGB input"; ui_tooltip = "Converts color to linear before converting to HDR.\nDepending on the game color format, this can improve light behavior and blending."; ui_category = "Experimental"; > = false; uniform int RT_SHADING_RATE < ui_type = "combo"; ui_label = "Shading Rate"; ui_items = "Full Rate\0Half Rate\0Quarter Rate\0"; ui_tooltip = "0: render all pixels each frame\n1: render only 50% of pixels each frame\n2: render only 25% of pixels each frame.\n\nThis can greatly improve performance at the cost of ghosting."; ui_category = "Experimental"; > = 0; uniform int UIHELP2 < ui_type = "radio"; ui_label = " "; ui_text ="Description for preprocessor definitions:\n\nUSE_MOTION_VECTORS\n0: off\n1: uses frame-to-frame motion data to leverage previous frame information better. This means better quality for free. Get either JacobW's motion estimation or download mine, and enable it before RTGI.\n\nINFINITE_BOUNCES\n0: off\n1: allows the light to reflect more than once.\n\nSKYCOLOR_MODE\n0: off\n1: static color\n2: dynamic detection (wip)\n3: dynamic detection + manual tint\n\nIMAGEBASELIGHTING:\n0: off\n1: analyzes the image for main lighting directions and recovers rays that did not return data.\n\nMATERIAL_TYPE\n0: Lambertian surface (matte)\n1: GGX Material, allows to model matte, glossy, specular surfaces based off roughness and specularity parameters\n\nSMOOTHNORMALS\n0: off\n1: enables normal map filtering, reduces blockyness on low poly surfaces."; ui_category = ">>>> PREPROCESSOR DEFINITION GUIDE (click me) <<<<"; ui_category_closed = false; >; /* uniform float4 tempF1 < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = -100.0; ui_max = 100.0; > = float4(1,1,1,1); uniform float4 tempF2 < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = -100.0; ui_max = 100.0; > = float4(1,1,1,1); uniform float4 tempF3 < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = -100.0; ui_max = 100.0; > = float4(1,1,1,1); uniform float4 tempF4 < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = -100.0; ui_max = 100.0; > = float4(1,1,1,1); uniform float4 tempF5 < ui_type = "drag"; ui_min = -100.0; ui_max = 100.0; > = float4(1,1,1,1); */ /*============================================================================= Textures, Samplers, Globals =============================================================================*/ uniform uint FRAMECOUNT < source = "framecount"; >; uniform float FRAMETIME < source = "frametime"; >; //log2 macro for uints up to 16 bit, inefficient in runtime but preprocessor doesn't care #define T1(x,n) ((uint(x)>>(n))>0) #define T2(x,n) (T1(x,n)+T1(x,n+1)) #define T4(x,n) (T2(x,n)+T2(x,n+2)) #define T8(x,n) (T4(x,n)+T4(x,n+4)) #define LOG2(x) (T8(x,0)+T8(x,8)) #define CEIL_DIV(num, denom) (((num - 1) / denom) + 1) #if __RENDERER__ >= 0xb000 #define CS_YAY #endif //debug flags, toy around at your own risk #define RTGI_DEBUG_SKIP_FILTER 0 #define MONTECARLO_MAX_STACK_SIZE 512 //============================================================================= texture ColorInputTex : COLOR; texture DepthInputTex : DEPTH; sampler ColorInput { Texture = ColorInputTex; }; sampler DepthInput { Texture = DepthInputTex; }; texture ZTex <pooled = true;> { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = R16F; }; texture AlbedoTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH/6; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT/6; Format = RGBA16F; }; texture GITex <pooled = true;> { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; MipLevels = 4; }; texture GITexPrev { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; }; texture GITexFilter1 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; }; //also holds gbuffer pre-smooth normals texture GITexFilter0 { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; MipLevels = 5; }; //also holds prev frame GI after everything is done texture GBufferTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; MipLevels = 4; }; texture GBufferTexPrev { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; }; texture StackCounterTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = R16F; }; texture StackCounterTexPrev { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = R16F; MipLevels = 4; }; texture texMotionVectors { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RG16F; }; sampler sZTex { Texture = ZTex; MinFilter=POINT; MipFilter=POINT; MagFilter=POINT;}; sampler sAlbedoTex { Texture = AlbedoTex; }; sampler sGITex { Texture = GITex; }; sampler sGITexPrev { Texture = GITexPrev; }; sampler sGITexFilter1 { Texture = GITexFilter1; }; sampler sGITexFilter0 { Texture = GITexFilter0; }; sampler sGBufferTex { Texture = GBufferTex; }; sampler sGBufferTexPrev { Texture = GBufferTexPrev; }; sampler sStackCounterTex { Texture = StackCounterTex; }; sampler sStackCounterTexPrev { Texture = StackCounterTexPrev; }; sampler sMotionVectorTex { Texture = texMotionVectors; }; texture DebugTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; }; sampler sDebugTex { Texture = DebugTex; }; storage stDebugTex { Texture = DebugTex; }; #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 || SKYCOLOR_MODE >= 2 texture ProbesTex { Width = 64; Height = 64; Format = RGBA16F;}; texture ProbesTexPrev { Width = 64; Height = 64; Format = RGBA16F;}; sampler sProbesTex { Texture = ProbesTex; }; sampler sProbesTexPrev { Texture = ProbesTexPrev; }; #endif texture JitterTex < source = "bluenoise.png"; > { Width = 32; Height = 32; Format = RGBA8; }; sampler sJitterTex { Texture = JitterTex; AddressU = WRAP; AddressV = WRAP; }; #ifdef CS_YAY storage stZTex { Texture = ZTex; }; storage stGITex { Texture = GITex; }; #define DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY uint2(4, 4) #else #define DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY uint2(2, 2) #endif struct CSIN { uint3 groupthreadid : SV_GroupThreadID; //XYZ idx of thread inside group uint3 groupid : SV_GroupID; //XYZ idx of group inside dispatch uint3 dispatchthreadid : SV_DispatchThreadID; //XYZ idx of thread inside dispatch uint threadid : SV_GroupIndex; //flattened idx of thread inside group }; struct VSOUT { float4 vpos : SV_Position; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; #include "qUINT\Global.fxh" #include "qUINT\Depth.fxh" #include "qUINT\Projection.fxh" #include "qUINT\Normal.fxh" #include "qUINT\Random.fxh" #include "qUINT\RayTracing.fxh" #include "qUINT\Denoise.fxh" /*============================================================================= Functions =============================================================================*/ float2 pixel_idx_to_uv(uint2 pos, float2 texture_size) { float2 inv_texture_size = rcp(texture_size); return pos * inv_texture_size + 0.5 * inv_texture_size; } bool check_boundaries(uint2 pos, uint2 dest_size) { return pos.x < dest_size.x && pos.y < dest_size.y; //>= because dest size e.g. 1920, pos [0, 1919] } uint2 deinterleave_pos(uint2 pos, uint2 tiles, uint2 gridsize) { int2 blocksize = CEIL_DIV(gridsize, tiles); //gridsize / tiles; int2 block_id = pos % tiles; int2 pos_in_block = pos / tiles; return block_id * blocksize + pos_in_block; } uint2 reinterleave_pos(uint2 pos, uint2 tiles, uint2 gridsize) { int2 blocksize = CEIL_DIV(gridsize, tiles); //gridsize / tiles; int2 block_id = pos / blocksize; int2 pos_in_block = pos % blocksize; return pos_in_block * tiles + block_id; } float3 srgb_to_acescg(float3 srgb) { float3x3 m = float3x3( 0.613097, 0.339523, 0.047379, 0.070194, 0.916354, 0.013452, 0.020616, 0.109570, 0.869815); return mul(m, srgb); } float3 acescg_to_srgb(float3 acescg) { float3x3 m = float3x3( 1.704859, -0.621715, -0.083299, -0.130078, 1.140734, -0.010560, -0.023964, -0.128975, 1.153013); return mul(m, acescg); } float3 unpack_hdr(float3 color) { color = saturate(color); if(RT_USE_SRGB) color *= color; if(RT_USE_ACESCG) color = srgb_to_acescg(color); color = color * rcp(1.04 - saturate(color)); return color; } float3 pack_hdr(float3 color) { color = 1.04 * color * rcp(color + 1.0); if(RT_USE_ACESCG) color = acescg_to_srgb(color); color = saturate(color); if(RT_USE_SRGB) color = sqrt(color); return color; } float3 ggx_vndf(float2 uniform_disc, float2 alpha, float3 v) { //scale by alpha, 3.2 float3 Vh = normalize(float3(alpha * v.xy, v.z)); //point on projected area of hemisphere float2 p = uniform_disc; p.y = lerp(sqrt(1.0 - p.x*p.x), p.y, Vh.z * 0.5 + 0.5); float3 Nh = float3(p.xy, sqrt(saturate(1.0 - dot(p, p)))); //reproject onto hemisphere Nh = mul(Nh, Normal::base_from_vector(Vh)); //revert scaling Nh = normalize(float3(alpha * Nh.xy, saturate(Nh.z))); return Nh; } float schlick_fresnel(float vdoth, float f0) { vdoth = saturate(1 - vdoth); float v2 = vdoth * vdoth; float v3 = v2 * vdoth; return lerp(v2 * v3, 1, f0); } float ggx_g2_g1(float3 l, float3 v, float2 alpha) { //smith masking-shadowing g2/g1, v and l in tangent space l.xy *= alpha; v.xy *= alpha; float nl = length(l); float nv = length(v); float ln = l.z * nv; float lv = l.z * v.z; float vn = v.z * nl; //in tangent space, v.z = ndotv and l.z = ndotl return (ln + lv) / (vn + ln + 1e-7); } float3 dither(in VSOUT i) { const float2 magicdot = float2(0.75487766624669276, 0.569840290998); const float3 magicadd = float3(0, 0.025, 0.0125) * dot(magicdot, 1); const int bit_depth = 8; //TODO: add BUFFER_COLOR_DEPTH once it works const float lsb = exp2(bit_depth) - 1; float3 dither = frac(dot(i.vpos.xy, magicdot) + magicadd); dither /= lsb; return dither; } float fade_distance(in VSOUT i) { float distance = saturate(length(Projection::uv_to_proj(i.uv)) / RESHADE_DEPTH_LINEARIZATION_FAR_PLANE); float fade; switch(FADEOUT_MODE_UI) { case 0: fade = saturate((RT_FADE_DEPTH - distance) / RT_FADE_DEPTH); break; case 1: fade = saturate((RT_FADE_DEPTH - distance) / RT_FADE_DEPTH); fade *= fade; fade *= fade; break; case 2: float fadefact = rcp(RT_FADE_DEPTH * 0.32); float cutoff = exp(-fadefact); fade = saturate((exp(-distance * fadefact) - cutoff)/(1 - cutoff)); break; } return fade; } float3 get_jitter(uint2 texelpos, uint framecount) { return Random::goldenweyl3(framecount % 512, frac(tex2Dfetch(sJitterTex, texelpos % 32u).xyz + tex2Dfetch(sJitterTex, (texelpos / 32) % 32).xyz)); /* uint2 texel_in_tile = texelpos % 128u; uint frame = framecount % 64u; uint2 tile; tile.x = frame % 8u; tile.y = frame / 8u; uint2 texturepos = tile * 128u + texel_in_tile; float3 jitter = tex2Dfetch(sJitterTex, texturepos).xyz; return jitter;*/ } #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 || SKYCOLOR_MODE >= 2 float4 get_probe_data(float3 dir, float2 uv) { float2 n = dir.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; float2 probe_id = clamp(uv * 4.0 - 0.5, 0, 3); //16 pixels res per probe, 4 probes interleaved int2 sample_pos = floor(n * 15.9999) * 4; float2 whole = floor(probe_id); float2 part = frac(probe_id); part = part * part * (3 - 2 * part); float2 sample_uv = (sample_pos + whole + part + 0.5) / 64.0; return tex2Dlod(sProbesTex, sample_uv, 0); } #endif /*============================================================================= Shader entry points =============================================================================*/ VSOUT VS_RT(in uint id : SV_VertexID) { VSOUT o; VS_FullscreenTriangle(id, o.vpos, o.uv); //use original fullscreen triangle VS return o; } void PS_MakeInput_Albedo(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { const float2 offset = BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE * 2; o = 0; [unroll]for(int x = -2; x <= 2; x++) [unroll]for(int y = -2; y <= 2; y++) o += tex2D(ColorInput, i.uv + offset * float2(x, y)); o /= 25.0; o.rgb = unpack_hdr(o.rgb); o.a = Depth::get_linear_depth(i.uv) < 0.999; //sky } #ifdef CS_YAY void CS_MakeInput_Depth(in CSIN i) { if(!check_boundaries(i.dispatchthreadid.xy * 2, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE)) return; float2 uv = pixel_idx_to_uv(i.dispatchthreadid.xy * 2, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); float2 corrected_uv = Depth::correct_uv(uv); //fixed for lookup #if RESHADE_DEPTH_INPUT_IS_UPSIDE_DOWN corrected_uv.y -= BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE.y * 0.5; //shift upwards since gather looks down and right float4 depth_texels = tex2DgatherR(DepthInput, corrected_uv).wzyx; #else float4 depth_texels = tex2DgatherR(DepthInput, corrected_uv); #endif depth_texels = Depth::linearize_depths(depth_texels); depth_texels.x = Projection::depth_to_z(depth_texels.x); depth_texels.y = Projection::depth_to_z(depth_texels.y); depth_texels.z = Projection::depth_to_z(depth_texels.z); depth_texels.w = Projection::depth_to_z(depth_texels.w); //offsets for xyzw components const uint2 offsets[4] = {uint2(0, 1), uint2(1, 1), uint2(1, 0), uint2(0, 0)}; [unroll] for(uint j = 0; j < 4; j++) { uint2 write_pos = deinterleave_pos(i.dispatchthreadid.xy * 2 + offsets[j], DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); tex2Dstore(stZTex, write_pos, depth_texels[j]); } } #else void PS_MakeInput_Depth(in VSOUT i, out float o : SV_Target0) { uint2 pos = floor(i.vpos.xy); uint2 get_pos = reinterleave_pos(pos, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); //PS -> gather float2 get_uv = pixel_idx_to_uv(get_pos, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); get_uv = Depth::correct_uv(get_uv); float depth_texel = tex2D(DepthInput, get_uv).x; depth_texel = Depth::linearize_depth(depth_texel); depth_texel = Projection::depth_to_z(depth_texel); o = depth_texel; } #endif void PS_MakeInput_Gbuf(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { float depth = Depth::get_linear_depth(i.uv); float3 n = Normal::normal_from_depth(i.uv); o = float4(n, Projection::depth_to_z(depth)); } void PS_Smoothnormals(in VSOUT i, out float4 gbuffer : SV_Target0) { const float max_n_n = 0.63; const float max_v_s = 0.65; const float max_c_p = 0.5; const float searchsize = 0.0125; const int dirs = 5; float4 gbuf_center = tex2D(sGITexFilter1, i.uv); float3 n_center =; float3 p_center = Projection::uv_to_proj(i.uv, gbuf_center.w); float radius = searchsize + searchsize * rcp(p_center.z) * 2.0; float worldradius = radius * p_center.z; int steps = clamp(ceil(radius * 300.0) + 1, 1, 7); float3 n_sum = 0.001 * n_center; for(float j = 0; j < dirs; j++) { float2 dir; sincos(radians(360.0 * j / dirs + 0.666), dir.y, dir.x); float3 n_candidate = n_center; float3 p_prev = p_center; for(float stp = 1.0; stp <= steps; stp++) { float fi = stp / steps; fi *= fi * rsqrt(fi); float offs = fi * radius; offs += length(BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE); float2 uv = i.uv + dir * offs * BUFFER_ASPECT_RATIO; if(!all(saturate(uv - uv*uv))) break; float4 gbuf = tex2Dlod(sGITexFilter1, uv, 0); float3 n =; float3 p = Projection::uv_to_proj(uv, gbuf.w); float3 v_increment = normalize(p - p_prev); float ndotn = dot(n, n_center); float vdotn = dot(v_increment, n_center); float v2dotn = dot(normalize(p - p_center), n_center); ndotn *= max(0, 1.0 + fi * 0.5 * (1.0 - abs(v2dotn))); if(abs(vdotn) > max_v_s || abs(v2dotn) > max_c_p) break; if(ndotn > max_n_n) { float d = distance(p, p_center) / worldradius; float w = saturate(4.0 - 2.0 * d) * smoothstep(max_n_n, lerp(max_n_n, 1.0, 2), ndotn); //special recipe w = stp < 1.5 && d < 2.0 ? 1 : w; //special recipe n_candidate = lerp(n_candidate, n, w); n_candidate = normalize(n_candidate); } p_prev = p; n_sum += n_candidate; } } n_sum = normalize(n_sum); gbuffer = float4(n_sum, gbuf_center.w); } float4 RTGI(in uint2 dtid, float4 uv, uint2 vpos) { float3 n = tex2Dlod(sGBufferTex,, 0).xyz; float3 p = Projection::uv_to_proj(; float d = Projection::z_to_depth(p.z); p *= 0.999; p += n * d; float3 e = normalize(p); float ray_maxT = RT_SAMPLE_RADIUS * RT_SAMPLE_RADIUS; ray_maxT *= lerp(1.0, 100.0, saturate(d * RT_SAMPLE_RADIUS_FAR)); ray_maxT = min(ray_maxT, RESHADE_DEPTH_LINEARIZATION_FAR_PLANE); #if MATERIAL_TYPE == 1 float3x3 tangent_base = Normal::base_from_vector(n); float3 tangent_eyedir = mul(-e, transpose(tangent_base)); #endif int nrays = RT_DO_RENDER ? 3 : RT_RAY_AMOUNT; int nsteps = RT_DO_RENDER ? 100 : RT_RAY_STEPS; float3 jitter = get_jitter(vpos, RT_DO_RENDER ? (FRAMECOUNT % MONTECARLO_MAX_STACK_SIZE) : 0); int rand_seed = 0; if(RT_DO_RENDER) rand_seed = (FRAMECOUNT % MONTECARLO_MAX_STACK_SIZE) * nrays; float4 o = 0; //stratifies a given i given a total sample count and a per-sample random offset float3 strata_k; strata_k.xy = rcp(float2(ceil(sqrt(nrays)), nrays)); strata_k.z = strata_k.y / strata_k.x; #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 float3 bent_normal = n; #endif [loop] for(int r = 0; r < 0 + nrays; r++) { RayTracing::RayDesc ray; float3 r3 = Random::goldenweyl3(r + rand_seed, jitter); r3.xy = frac(r * strata_k.xy + strata_k.xz * r3.yx); //swap order to have Z better distributed than XY #if MATERIAL_TYPE == 0 //lambert cosine distribution without TBN reorientation sincos(r3.x * 3.1415927 * 2, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.x); ray.dir.z = r3.y * 2.0 - 1.0; ray.dir.xy *= sqrt(1.0 - ray.dir.z * ray.dir.z); //build sphere ray.dir = normalize(ray.dir + n); #elif MATERIAL_TYPE == 1 float rough = RT_ROUGHNESS; float alpha = max(0.01, rough * rough); //fuck these glossy ass presets, seriously. float2 uniform_disc; sincos(r3.y * 3.1415927 * 2, uniform_disc.y, uniform_disc.x); uniform_disc *= sqrt(r3.x); float3 v = tangent_eyedir; float3 h = ggx_vndf(uniform_disc, alpha.xx, v); /* //diffuse only float2 nextrand = r3.xy; //Random::goldenweyl3(r + 4, jitter2).xy; //frac(r3.xy + r3.z * 3.1415927); //nextrand.xy = frac(r * strata_k.xy + strata_k.xz * nextrand.yx); //swap order to have Z better distributed than XY float3 uniform_sphere; sincos(nextrand.x * 3.1415927 * 2, uniform_sphere.y, uniform_sphere.x); uniform_sphere.z = nextrand.y * 2.0 - 1.0; uniform_sphere.xy *= sqrt(1.0 - uniform_sphere.z * uniform_sphere.z); //build sphere float3 l = normalize(uniform_sphere + h); ray.dir = mul(l, tangent_base); float brdf = ggx_g2_g1(l, v, alpha.xx); brdf = l.z < 1e-5 ? 0 : brdf; //fix black goo brdf *= 10; if(dot(ray.dir, n) < 0.01) continue; */ //Specular only float3 l = reflect(-v, h); //single scatter lobe float brdf = ggx_g2_g1(l, v, alpha.xx); //if l.z > 0 is checked later brdf = l.z < 1e-5 ? 0 : brdf; //fix black goo //using single channel fresnel brdf *= schlick_fresnel(dot(l, h), 0.035);//spec, also dot(v, h) but this is the same brdf *= 10; ray.dir = mul(l, tangent_base); //l from tangent to projection if(dot(ray.dir, n) < 0.01) continue; #endif float view_angle = dot(ray.dir, e); float ray_incT = ray_maxT / nsteps * rsqrt(saturate(1.0 - view_angle * view_angle)); ray.origin = p; ray.length = ray_incT * r3.z; ray.uv =; float intersected = RayTracing::compute_intersection_deinterleaved(uv, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, e, ray, ray_maxT, ray_incT, RT_Z_THICKNESS * RT_Z_THICKNESS, RT_HIGHP_LIGHT_SPREAD); #if MATERIAL_TYPE == 1 intersected *= brdf; #endif o.w += intersected; [branch] if(RT_IL_AMOUNT * intersected < 0.01) { #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 bent_normal += ray.dir; #ifdef CS_YAY ray.uv = saturate(ray.uv); float z = tex2Dlod(sZTex, uv.xy + (ray.uv - / DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, 0).x; float3 pos = Projection::uv_to_proj(ray.uv); float3 dv = pos - ray.origin; float4 probe_data = get_probe_data(normalize(dv), ray.uv); o += float4(probe_data.rgb, probe_data.w) * RT_IBL_AMOUT * RT_IBL_AMOUT; #endif #endif continue; } else { float3 intersect_normal = tex2Dlod(sGBufferTex, ray.uv, 0).xyz; float facing = saturate(dot(-intersect_normal, ray.dir) * 64.0 + 0.3 * 64); //allow some wrap lighting float4 albedofetch = tex2Dlod(sAlbedoTex, ray.uv, 0); float3 albedo = albedofetch.rgb * albedofetch.a * facing; //mask out sky #if INFINITE_BOUNCES != 0 float4 nextbounce = tex2Dlod(sGITexFilter0, ray.uv, 4); float3 compounded = normalize(albedo+0.1) * nextbounce.rgb; albedo += compounded * RT_IL_BOUNCE_WEIGHT; #endif //for lambert: * cos theta / pdf == 1 because cosine weighted o.rgb += albedo * intersected; } } o /= nrays; #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 #ifndef CS_YAY float confidence = length(bent_normal); bent_normal /= confidence + 1e-7; float4 probe_data = get_probe_data(bent_normal,; //get_oct_probe_data(p, bent_normal, jitter); o += probe_data * RT_IBL_AMOUT * RT_IBL_AMOUT * confidence / nrays; #endif #endif return o; } void PS_ReprojectPrev(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { float2 motionv = tex2D(sMotionVectorTex, i.uv).xy; float2 repro_uv = i.uv + motionv; bool repro_inside_screen = all(saturate(repro_uv - repro_uv * repro_uv)); o = tex2D(sGITexPrev, repro_uv); } #ifdef CS_YAY //process deinterleaved tiles and reinterleave immediately void CS_RTGI_wrap(in CSIN i) { //i.dispatchthreadid.xy = morton_idx_to_xy(i.threadid) + i.groupid.xy * 16; //need to round up here, otherwise resolutions not divisible by interleave tile amount will cause trouble, //as even thread groups that hang over the texture boundaries have draw areas inside. However we cannot allow all //of them to attempt to work - I'm not sure why. if(!check_boundaries(i.dispatchthreadid.xy, CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY) * DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY)) return; uint2 block_id = i.dispatchthreadid.xy / CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY); switch(RT_SHADING_RATE) { case 1: if(((block_id.x + block_id.y) & 1) ^ (FRAMECOUNT & 1)) return; break; case 2: if((block_id.x & 1 + (block_id.y & 1) * 2) ^ (FRAMECOUNT & 3)) return; break; } uint2 write_pos = reinterleave_pos(i.dispatchthreadid.xy, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); float4 uv; uv.xy = pixel_idx_to_uv(i.dispatchthreadid.xy, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); = pixel_idx_to_uv(write_pos, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); float4 gi = RTGI(i.dispatchthreadid.xy, uv, write_pos); tex2Dstore(stGITex, write_pos, gi); } #else //gather writing doesn't improve cache awareness on PS, so need to write deinterleaved, and reinterleave later void PS_RTGI_wrap(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { uint2 write_pos = reinterleave_pos(floor(i.vpos.xy), DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); float4 uv; uv.xy = pixel_idx_to_uv(floor(i.vpos.xy), BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); = pixel_idx_to_uv(write_pos, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); uint2 block_id = floor(i.vpos.xy) / CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY); o = 0; switch(RT_SHADING_RATE) { case 1: if(((block_id.x + block_id.y) % 2) != (FRAMECOUNT % 2)) discard; break; case 2: if((block_id.x % 2 + (block_id.y % 2) * 2) != (FRAMECOUNT % 4)) discard; break; } o = RTGI(write_pos, uv, write_pos); } void PS_RTGI_reinterleave(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { uint2 write_pos = deinterleave_pos(floor(i.vpos.xy), DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY, BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE); uint2 block_id = write_pos / CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE, DEINTERLEAVE_TILE_COUNT_XY); //need to do it here again because the render target RTGI writes to is overwritten later, //so determine which tile this pixel came from and skip it accordingly switch(RT_SHADING_RATE) { case 1: if(((block_id.x + block_id.y) % 2) != (FRAMECOUNT % 2)) discard; break; case 2: if((block_id.x % 2 + (block_id.y % 2) * 2) != (FRAMECOUNT % 4)) discard; break; } o = tex2Dfetch(sGITexFilter1, write_pos); } #endif void PS_TemporalBlend(in VSOUT i, out MRT2 o) { [branch] if(RT_DO_RENDER) { float4 gi_curr = Denoise::atrous(i, sGITex, 0, 4); //need to filter here, as the filter works recursively float4 gi_prev = tex2D(sGITexPrev, i.uv); int stacksize = round(tex2Dlod(sStackCounterTexPrev, i.uv, 0).x); o.t0 = stacksize < MONTECARLO_MAX_STACK_SIZE ? lerp(gi_prev, gi_curr, rcp(1 + stacksize)) : gi_prev; o.t1 = ++stacksize; return; } float2 motionv = tex2D(sMotionVectorTex, i.uv).xy; float2 repro_uv = i.uv + motionv; bool repro_inside_screen = all(saturate(repro_uv - repro_uv * repro_uv)); float4 gbuf_curr = tex2D(sGBufferTex, i.uv); float4 gbuf_prev = tex2D(sGBufferTexPrev, repro_uv); float dn = dot(,; float dz = abs(gbuf_curr.w - gbuf_prev.w) / (gbuf_curr.w + gbuf_prev.w + 1e-6); repro_inside_screen = dn < 0.95 && dz > 0.005 ? false : repro_inside_screen; int stacksize = round(tex2Dlod(sStackCounterTexPrev, i.uv, 3).x); stacksize = repro_inside_screen ? min(8, ++stacksize) : 1; float lerpspeed = rcp(stacksize); float mip = clamp(log2(max(1, 4 - stacksize)), 0, 2); //float4 gi_curr = tex2Dlod(sGITex, i.uv, mip); float4 gi_prev = tex2D(sGITexPrev, repro_uv); /* float2 mipsize = BUFFER_SCREEN_SIZE / exp2(mip); float2 bilinear_origin = floor(i.uv * mipsize - 0.5); float2 bilinear_weight = frac( i.uv * mipsize - 0.5); float4 bilin; bilin.x = ( 1.0 - bilinear_weight.x ) * ( 1.0 - bilinear_weight.y ); bilin.z = ( 1.0 - bilinear_weight.x ) * bilinear_weight.y; bilin.y = bilinear_weight.x * ( 1.0 - bilinear_weight.y ); bilin.w = bilinear_weight.x * bilinear_weight.y; float4 texel00 = tex2Dlod(sGITex, (bilinear_origin + float2(0, 0)) / mipsize, mip); float4 texel10 = tex2Dlod(sGITex, (bilinear_origin + float2(1, 0)) / mipsize, mip); float4 texel01 = tex2Dlod(sGITex, (bilinear_origin + float2(0, 1)) / mipsize, mip); float4 texel11 = tex2Dlod(sGITex, (bilinear_origin + float2(1, 1)) / mipsize, mip); float4 gbuf00 = tex2D(sGBufferTex, (bilinear_origin + float2(0, 0)) / mipsize); float4 gbuf10 = tex2D(sGBufferTex, (bilinear_origin + float2(1, 0)) / mipsize); float4 gbuf01 = tex2D(sGBufferTex, (bilinear_origin + float2(0, 1)) / mipsize); float4 gbuf11 = tex2D(sGBufferTex, (bilinear_origin + float2(1, 1)) / mipsize); float4 wz = abs(gbuf_curr.wwww - float4(gbuf00.w, gbuf10.w, gbuf01.w, gbuf11.w)) / gbuf_curr.w; wz = max(1e-6, exp2(-wz * 20)); float4 finalweights = wz * bilin; float4 gi_curr = texel00 * finalweights.x + texel10 * finalweights.y + texel01 * finalweights.z + texel11 * finalweights.w; gi_curr /= dot(finalweights, 1); */ float4 m1 = 0, m2 = 0; [loop]for(int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) [loop]for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { float4 t = tex2Dlod(sGITex, i.uv + float2(x, y) * BUFFER_PIXEL_SIZE * exp2(mip), mip); m1 += t; m2 += t * t; } m1 /= 9.0; m2 /= 9.0; float4 sigma = sqrt(abs(m2 - m1 * m1)); float4 acceptederror = sigma * 2.0; float4 gi_curr = m1; float expectederrormult = sqrt(sqrt(RT_RAY_AMOUNT * stacksize)); acceptederror /= expectederrormult; gi_prev = clamp(gi_prev, m1 - acceptederror, m1 + acceptederror); float4 gi = lerp(gi_prev, gi_curr, lerpspeed); o.t0 = gi; o.t1 = stacksize; } void PS_Filter0(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { o = Denoise::atrous(i, sGITexFilter1, 0, RTGI_DEBUG_SKIP_FILTER + RT_DO_RENDER); } void PS_Filter1(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { o = Denoise::atrous(i, sGITexFilter0, 1, RTGI_DEBUG_SKIP_FILTER + RT_DO_RENDER); } void PS_Filter2(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { o = Denoise::atrous(i, sGITexFilter1, 2, RTGI_DEBUG_SKIP_FILTER + RT_DO_RENDER); } void PS_Filter3(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { o = Denoise::atrous(i, sGITexFilter0, 3, RTGI_DEBUG_SKIP_FILTER + RT_DO_RENDER); } void PS_CopyPrev(in VSOUT i, out MRT3 o) { o.t0 = tex2D(sGITexFilter1, i.uv); o.t1 = tex2D(sGBufferTex, i.uv); o.t2 = tex2D(sStackCounterTex, i.uv); } void PS_Display(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { float4 gi = tex2D(sGITexFilter1, i.uv); #if RTGI_DEBUG_SKIP_FILTER != 0 gi = tex2D(sGITex, i.uv); #endif float3 color = tex2D(ColorInput, i.uv).rgb; color = unpack_hdr(color); color = RT_DEBUG_VIEW == 1 ? 0.8 : color; float fade = fade_distance(i); gi *= fade; float gi_intensity = RT_IL_AMOUNT * RT_IL_AMOUNT * (RT_USE_SRGB ? 3 : 1); float ao_intensity = RT_AO_AMOUNT* (RT_USE_SRGB ? 2 : 1); #if SKYCOLOR_MODE != 0 #if SKYCOLOR_MODE == 1 float3 skycol = SKY_COLOR; #elif SKYCOLOR_MODE == 2 float3 skycol = tex2Dfetch(sProbesTex, 0).rgb; //take topleft pixel of probe tex, outside of hemisphere range //tex2Dfetch(sSkyCol, 0).rgb; skycol = lerp(dot(skycol, 0.333), skycol, SKY_COLOR_SAT * 0.2); #elif SKYCOLOR_MODE == 3 float3 skycol = tex2Dfetch(sProbesTex, 0).rgb * SKY_COLOR_TINT; //tex2Dfetch(sSkyCol, 0).rgb * SKY_COLOR_TINT; skycol = lerp(dot(skycol, 0.333), skycol, SKY_COLOR_SAT * 0.2); #endif skycol *= fade; color += color * gi.rgb * gi_intensity; //apply GI color = color / (1.0 + lerp(1.0, skycol, SKY_COLOR_AMBIENT_MIX) * gi.w * ao_intensity); //apply AO as occlusion of skycolor color = color * (1.0 + skycol * SKY_COLOR_AMT); #else color += color * gi.rgb * gi_intensity; //apply GI color = color / (1.0 + gi.w * ao_intensity); #endif color = pack_hdr(color); //dither a little bit as large scale lighting might exhibit banding color += dither(i); color = RT_DEBUG_VIEW == 3 ? tex2D(sStackCounterTex, i.uv).x/64.0 : RT_DEBUG_VIEW == 2 ? tex2D(sGBufferTex, i.uv).xyz * float3(0.5, 0.5, -0.5) + 0.5 : color; o = float4(color, 1); } #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 || SKYCOLOR_MODE >= 2 void PS_Probes(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { //interleaving their texels allows for the old skycolor logic to work //and we can interpolate between the texels for free without having to sample the closest 4 probes float2 probe_uv = i.uv; // frac(i.uv * 3.99999); int2 probe_id = floor(i.vpos.xy) % 4; //floor(i.uv * 3.99999); float3 n; n.xy = probe_uv * 2.0 - 1.0; n.z = sqrt(saturate(1.0 - dot(n.xy, n.xy))); bool probe = length(n.xy) < 1.3; //padding const uint2 Ns = uint2(16 * BUFFER_ASPECT_RATIO.yx); const uint Nt = 64; float2 grid_jit = Random::goldenweyl2(FRAMECOUNT % Nt); float2 grid_start = probe_id / 4.0 * probe; //if not in probe mode, scan entire screen float2 grid_inc = rcp(Ns) / (probe ? 4.0 : 1.0); float4 probe_light = 0; float probe_wsum = 0.00001; float4 sky_light = 0; for(int x = 0; x < Ns.x; x++) for(int y = 0; y < Ns.x; y++) { float2 grid_uv = grid_start + (float2(x, y) + grid_jit) * grid_inc; float4 tapg = tex2Dlod(sGBufferTex, grid_uv, 0); float4 tapc = tex2Dlod(sAlbedoTex, grid_uv, 0); float lambert = saturate(dot(, -n)); tapg.a = Projection::z_to_depth(tapg.a); probe_light += float4(tapc.rgb, 1) * tapg.a * lambert * tapc.a; //sky_light += float4(pack_hdr(tapc.rgb), 1) * (1 - tapc.a); sky_light += float4(tapc.rgb, 1) * (1 - tapc.a); probe_wsum += tapg.a; } probe_light /= probe_wsum; sky_light.rgb /= sky_light.a + 1e-3; float4 prev_probe = tex2D(sProbesTexPrev, i.uv); o = 0; if(probe) //process central area with hemispherical probe light { probe_light.rgb *= 10.0; o = float4(lerp(prev_probe.rgb, probe_light.rgb, 0.02), 1); } else { bool sky_found_now = sky_light.w > 0.000001; bool sky_found_at_all = prev_probe.w; float h = sky_found_now ? (sky_found_at_all ? saturate(0.1 * 0.01 * FRAMETIME) : 1) : 0; o.rgb = lerp(prev_probe.rgb, sky_light.rgb, h); o.w = sky_found_now || sky_found_at_all; } } void PS_CopyProbes(in VSOUT i, out float4 o : SV_Target0) { o = tex2D(sProbesTex, i.uv); } #endif /*============================================================================= Techniques =============================================================================*/ technique RTGlobalIllumination < ui_tooltip = " >> qUINT::RTGI 0.36.1 <<\n\n" " EARLY ACCESS -- PATREON ONLY\n" "Official versions only via\n" "\nRTGI is written by Pascal Gilcher (Marty McFly) \n" "Early access, featureset might be subject to change"; > { #ifdef CS_YAY pass { ComputeShader = CS_MakeInput_Depth<16, 16>;DispatchSizeX = CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_WIDTH, 32); DispatchSizeY = CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_HEIGHT, 32); } #else pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_MakeInput_Depth; RenderTarget0 = ZTex; } #endif #if SMOOTHNORMALS != 0 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_MakeInput_Gbuf; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter1; } pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Smoothnormals; RenderTarget0 = GBufferTex; } #else //SMOOTHNORMALS pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_MakeInput_Gbuf; RenderTarget0 = GBufferTex; } #endif //SMOOTHNORMALS pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_MakeInput_Albedo; RenderTarget0 = AlbedoTex; } #if IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING != 0 || SKYCOLOR_MODE >= 2 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Probes; RenderTarget = ProbesTex; } pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_CopyProbes; RenderTarget = ProbesTexPrev; } #endif //IMAGEBASEDLIGHTING //first, reproject previous frame GI data (for half and quarter shading rate, this realigns the old pixels) pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_ReprojectPrev; RenderTarget0 = GITex; } //now, generate new GI data on 100% or 50% or 25% of pixels - if reprojection went well, outdated pixels + #ifdef CS_YAY pass { ComputeShader = CS_RTGI_wrap<16, 16>;DispatchSizeX = CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_WIDTH, 16); DispatchSizeY = CEIL_DIV(BUFFER_HEIGHT, 16); } #else pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_RTGI_wrap; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter1; } pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_RTGI_reinterleave;RenderTarget0 = GITex; } #endif //now, reproject old, _blurred_ GI output pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_TemporalBlend; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter1; RenderTarget1 = StackCounterTex; } //GITex + filter 0 (prev) -> filter 1 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_CopyPrev; RenderTarget0 = GITexPrev; RenderTarget1 = GBufferTexPrev; RenderTarget2 = StackCounterTexPrev; } //f1 -> f0 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Filter0; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter0; } //f1 f0 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Filter1; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter1; } //f0 f1 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Filter2; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter0; } //f1 f0 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Filter3; RenderTarget0 = GITexFilter1; } //f0 f1 pass{ VertexShader = VS_RT; PixelShader = PS_Display; } } Using this write RT Shadows for ReShade
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