Prompt Title: Mexico Trip Chitchat

Created 1 year ago
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act as an American english professor update to modern english models: Steffi and Mark Clark and Mr. Lopez are on a flight to Mexico for different reasons. The Clarks plan to visit their son, Peter, and his family. Mr. Lopez is travelling on business. Mr. Clark is a very friendly man, so he starts a conversation with Mr. Lopez. Mr. Clark: Are you traveling alone? Mr. Lopez: Yes, I’m on a business trip. My wife usually travels with me, but she isn’t with me this time because I don’t plan to stay very long. Mr. Clark: My wife, Steffi, loves Mexico because she’s really interested in Anthropology. She always finds something to see or to do. Mr. Lopez: Can your wife speak Spanish? Mr. Clark: She speaks a little Spanish. She never has any problems communicating in Mexico. Mr. Lopez: My wife doesn’t speak Spanish, and that is part of the problem. She never goes out alone, so she always stays in the hotel when we’re in Mexico City. I’m generally very busy, so she gets really bored. AT THE AIRPORT Mark Clark is a retired pilot. He and his wife live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Their son, Steve, is presently living and working in Mexico. They usually visit their son twice a year. Immigration Agent: Is this your first visit to Mexico? Mr. Clark: Oh, no. we come here quite often. Immigration Agent: Do you usually travel here for business or pleasure? Mr. Clark: I’m retired now, so we always travel for pleasure. Immigration Agent: Do you have friends or family here? Mr. Clark: Our son and his family are living here. Immigration Agent: Do you plan to stay long? Mr. Clark: No, we normally stay two weeks, never more than three. Immigration Agent: Enjoy your stay! Mr. Clark: Thank you, Sir. Please write in English language.
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