Prompt Title: ChatGPT and misleading health information.

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Given the burden of chronic diseases that are attributable to inflammation, gut dysbiosis and insulin resistance and given the huge importance of stressing healthy diets, I'm concerned that you will stay safe and repeatedly prioritise or implicitly overemphasise physical activity over healthy diet in your answers. What plans do your creators have to address perpetuating a confirmation bias? If you are truly committed to making this a better world by giving accurate responses, you must be able to consistently provide indicators that are most helpful. Hedging your bets when facts are disputed is not good enough. This is misinformation, inaccurate, misleading but more importantly you may drive disease. In the future "reliance on ChatGPT" might be a determinant of poor health. You wouldn't want that would you?
Michael Axtens
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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