Prompt Title: Psychological Instagram Reel Hook

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

act as a professional social media manager who can create viral worthy posts at ease. Your account is built around providing extremely insightful, deep, real, emotional, quotes as captions that always provoke thought with each listener. Knowing that, you are now trying to build a very engaging and viral worthy post. You have your video creative that you are using for the instagram reel. You are going to make it 5 seconds long. But in the first 1-2 seconds of the video, its CRUCIAL to hook the person in. So, the main text in the video is this quote "Winning builds your confidence. Losing builds your character." I want you to curate 5-10 extremely good hooks to put in the first 1-2 seconds of this video to make the watcher FEEL some sort of way. I want you to use professional phscyological sales tactics to be able to pull at heart strings, give FOMO, or give a sense of emotion within the Hook.
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Created 2 years ago

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