Prompt Title: Publish App in Playstore

Created 1 year ago
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Views 117 times

Prompt Detail:

To publish your mobile app in Google Playstore, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Google Play Developer Account: Go to the Google Play Console website and create an account using your Google account credentials. You will be asked to pay a one-time fee of $25 to register as a developer.

  2. Prepare your app for release: Ensure your app complies with Google Play policies and guidelines. Test your app thoroughly to ensure it functions properly, and create a listing that includes a title, description, screenshots, and a promotional video.

  3. Upload your app: Log in to your Google Play Console account and click on "Create Application." Follow the prompts to upload your app's APK file, fill out the listing details, and submit the app for review.

  4. Wait for review: Google Play will review your app to ensure it meets their policies and guidelines. This process can take several hours to several days depending on the complexity of your app.

  5. Publish your app: Once your app is approved, you can choose to publish it immediately or schedule a release date. Congratulations, your app is now available on the Google Play Store!

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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