Prompt Title: Email for NGOs

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Write a Cold Outreach Email We, the European Greens, are calling on all European civil society organisations to provide input to our Manifesto for the upcoming European Elections. We want to ensure the space for civil society to voice their demands, their priorities and narratives to address the most important challenges in Europe today. We only have a few years left to take and implement the right decisions to keep our planet liveable for humans, our air breathable, the water drinkable and accessible to all, and biodiversity protected. The terrible heatwaves, forest fires, droughts, and flooding of the last summer are the implacable results of wrong political choices with huge social and economic consequences for our societies and will only worsen in the near future if we do not change course immediately. The jobs of tomorrow and global justice cannot be created based on the linear economy and current global trade system. The European project and democracy itself are under constant threat. Autocracies are on the rise in the EU and elsewhere in Europe, and with them, attacks on rule of law and fundamental rights, not only the rights of women and LGBTQIA+, but equally those of civil society organisations, BIPOC, individual activists, homeless people, asylum seekers and refugees. Putin's brutal aggression against Ukraine has led to thousands of innocent people losing their lives and millions of people being forced to flee war. Fuelled by our economies’ addiction to gas and oil, it constitutes the biggest threat to the fundamental values of our societies, and to peace in Europe. The global energy and food crises are direct results of irresponsible and short-sighted political decisions. They increase the existing social injustices and fuel social anger by making the most vulnerable, those who contributed the least to these crises, suffer from them the most. While at the same time, those who are mainly responsible are not paying their share and are even profiting from it. Our climate is in crisis, our democracies are at risk and social inequalities are growing. Only a project that has always understood these dimensions together, only a project based on a rational, science-based and humanist diagnosis of the current crises while at the same time taking into account people’s feelings and real anxieties regarding an uncertain future, can provide the right solutions. This is exactly what our common green project is. And we want to involve the civil society organisations in building this common green project towards the 2024 elections together with us. The expertise, knowledge and advanced debates that civil society leads on many domains, are essential to contribute on the Manifesto process of the European Greens. The work of civil societies is crucial not only for holding decision-makers accountable but ensuring that everyone’s voices are heard and directed towards much-needed political changes. We want to create a strong common Manifesto for the upcoming European elections that puts the interests and needs of the citizens first. We want to hear from the experts and those who are the closest to the communities about what they think should be included in the Manifesto and how we can make sure it reflects the priorities needed to work for a greener, fairer, and feminist Europe. We invite you to submit your ideas and proposals for consideration by filling in THIS FORM. Target audience: NGOs Writing style and tone: Professional, Write in English (United Kingdom)
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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