Prompt Detail:
description: "The path to the image used for the battle transition. Relative to the project folder. Example: img/system/Transitions.png" }, duration: { type: "number", name: "Duration", description: "The duration of the battle transition in frames.", default: 60 } } }, execute: function(args) { battleTransitionImage = args.imagePath; battleTransitionDuration = parseInt(args.duration, 10); } });
また、ヘッダーの`@command setTransition`と`@command setBattleTransition`セクションも以下のように更新してください。
- @command setTransition
- @text Set Map Transition
- @desc Set the map transition image and duration.
- @arg imagePath
- @type string
- @text Image Path
- @desc The path to the image used for the map transition. Relative to project folder. Example: img/system/Transitions.png
- @arg duration
- @type number
- @text Duration
- @desc The duration of the map transition in frames.
- @default 60
- @command setBattleTransition
- @text Set Battle Transition
- @desc Set the battle transition image and duration.
- @arg imagePath
- @type string
- @text Image Path
- @desc The path to
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