Prompt Title: Work Week Budget: $100

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Based on the information you provided, here is the complete weekly budget for work:

Amount: $100 Days Working: 5 Miles per week: 115 Car's gas mileage: 19 mpg

  1. Transportation: $48.15
  • Gasoline: $18.15 (based on an average of $3 per gallon, assuming a car that gets 19 miles per gallon, 115 miles per week would require around 6.05 gallons of gas)
  • Parking fees/tolls: $10
  • Car maintenance: $20 (to cover any other transportation expenses)
  1. Food and Drinks: $35
  • Lunch: $7 per day x 5 = $35 (assuming you will be eating out for lunch)
  • Coffee/snacks: $5 per day x 5 = $25 (assuming you will be buying coffee or snacks while at work)
  1. Miscellaneous: $16.85
  • This can be used for any other expenses that may come up, such as office supplies or work-related events.

Total: $100

Please note that this is just an example and your actual expenses may vary based on your individual circumstances. It's always a good idea to keep track of your spending and adjust your budget as necessary to make sure you're staying within your means.

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Created 1 year ago

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