Prompt Title: 5 Whys- Team are not cross-functional

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Problem: The team is not cross-functional.

  1. Why is the team not cross-functional? - Because team members have specialized skills and knowledge in specific areas.

  2. Why do team members have specialized skills and knowledge in specific areas? - Because they were hired for those specific skills and roles.

  3. Why were team members hired for specific skills and roles? - Because the hiring process focused on technical skills and experience, rather than considering cross-functional abilities.

  4. Why did the hiring process focus on technical skills and experience? - Because the job descriptions and requirements were designed to prioritize technical skills and experience over cross-functional abilities.

  5. Why were job descriptions and requirements designed this way? - Because there was a lack of understanding or consideration for the benefits of having a cross-functional team and the importance of hiring for diverse skill sets.

Solution: Reevaluate the hiring process and job descriptions to prioritize cross-functional abilities and diverse skill sets. Consider creating a more collaborative work environment where team members are encouraged to share knowledge and expertise across different areas, and offer training opportunities to help team members develop cross-functional skills. By doing so, the team can become more versatile and able to tackle a wider range of challenges.

Riadh Rezig
Shared 2 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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