Prompt Title: Medical, Lungs

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Based on the information provided, there are several findings in the lungs:

  1. Interstitial thickening and heterogeneous areas of mixed ground-glass and consolidative airspace diseases with a basilar predominance: This suggests there are areas in the lungs where the tissue that separates the air sacs is thickened and there are areas where the air spaces are partially filled with fluid or other substances. The fact that it has increased in extent and severity compared to prior exams indicates that there has been progression of the underlying condition.

  2. Mild cylindrical bronchiectasis: This refers to a condition where the airways in the lungs become damaged and widened, leading to difficulty in clearing mucus and bacteria from the lungs.

  3. 2 centimeter right lower lobe pulmonary cyst: This is a fluid-filled sac in the lung tissue.

It is important to note that these findings may or may not be related and may require additional testing to determine the underlying cause. Possible causes could include infections, autoimmune disorders, or other lung diseases.

Further evaluation and management are necessary to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment options. This may include additional imaging studies, pulmonary function tests, blood tests, and possibly a biopsy. It is best to consult with a medical professional for further guidance and management.

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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