Prompt Title: TS Types problem

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Human: I have a problem with typescript, see this type: export type User = { id: string; name: string; firstName?: string; lastName?: string; shortName: string; avatar?: BackendImage[]; status?: InvitationStatus; email?: string; coach?: { teams?: Team[]; }; player?: { teams?: Team[]; }; referee?: { refereeOrganizations: RefereeOrganization[]; competitions?: Competition[]; }; }; some fields are optional because some of our api endpoints return these fields, some dont. For example in a context of invitation, status will be defined, but in a context of a user it will be not. But most other fields will be present. Because I marked these fields optional I constantly run into problems with TSLint saying that field could be null, when in certain contexts I know it cant be. How do I solve this problem?

One way to solve this problem is to use the non-null assertion operator ! on fields that you know won't be null in certain contexts. For example, if you know that the status field will always be defined in the context of an invitation, you can use the non-null assertion operator to tell TypeScript that the field won't be null in that context.

Here's an example of how you could use the non-null assertion operator on the status field:

// Example usage in the context of an invitation const invitation: Invitation = { // Assuming Invitation has a "user" field of type User user: { id: "1", name: "John Doe", shortName: "John", status: InvitationStatus.Accepted!, } };

Note the ! at the end of InvitationStatus.Accepted!. This tells TypeScript that you know the status field won't be null in this context, and it won't generate a warning.

Of course, you should only use the non-null assertion operator if you're absolutely sure that the field won't be null in that context. If there's any chance that it could be null, it's better to handle it gracefully in your code.

Human: yeah but that's not clean. I'm writing an enterprise application and code must be good

You're absolutely right that using the non-null assertion operator isn't always the cleanest solution. Here are some other options you could consider:

  1. Use type guards: You can create a type guard function that checks if a field is defined, and use it to conditionally access the field. For example:

    function isDefined<T>(val: T | undefined | null): val is T { return val !== undefined && val !== null; } if (isDefined(user.status)) { // Do something with user.status, which is now known to be defined }

    This approach is more verbose, but it's also safer because it checks if the field is defined at runtime.

  2. Use a partial type: Instead of marking fields as optional, you can create a separate PartialUser type that only includes the optional fields. For example:

    export type PartialUser = { firstName?: string; lastName?: string; avatar?: BackendImage[]; status?: InvitationStatus; email?: string; coach?: { teams?: Team[]; }; player?: { teams?: Team[]; }; referee?: { refereeOrganizations: RefereeOrganization[]; competitions?: Competition[]; }; }; export type User = { id: string; name: string; shortName: string; } & PartialUser;

    This approach allows you to use User in contexts where you know all the fields will be defined, and use PartialUser in contexts where you know some fields might be undefined.

  3. Use the "definite assignment assertion" syntax: In TypeScript 2.7 and later, you can use the definite assignment assertion syntax to tell TypeScript that a field will be assigned a value before it's used. For example:

    export type User = { id: string; name: string; firstName?: string; lastName?: string; shortName: string; avatar?: BackendImage[]; status?: InvitationStatus; email?: string; coach?: { teams?: Team[]; }; player?: { teams?: Team[]; }; referee?: { refereeOrganizations: RefereeOrganization[]; competitions?: Competition[]; }; } & { // Tell TypeScript that these fields will be assigned before they're used firstName!: string; lastName!: string; avatar!: BackendImage[]; status!: InvitationStatus; email!: string; coach!: { teams!: Team[]; }; player!: { teams!: Team[]; }; referee!: { refereeOrganizations!: RefereeOrganization[]; competitions!: Competition[]; }; };

    This approach is similar to using the non-null assertion operator, but it's more explicit because it tells TypeScript that the fields will be assigned a value before they're used. However, you need to be careful to make sure that the fields are actually assigned a value before they're used, otherwise you'll get a runtime error.

Human: I like solution 2, but I dont like the naming, could you do better?

Sure, you can use any naming convention that you prefer. Here's an example of how you could rename PartialUser to UserPartialFields:

export type UserPartialFields = { firstName?: string; lastName?: string; avatar?: BackendImage[]; status?: InvitationStatus; email?: string; coach?: { teams?: Team[]; }; player?: { teams?: Team[]; }; referee?: { refereeOrganizations: RefereeOrganization[]; competitions?: Competition[]; }; }; export type User = { id: string; name: string; shortName: string; } & UserPartialFields;

By renaming PartialUser to UserPartialFields, you make it clearer that this type represents a subset of the fields in User, rather than a completely separate type.

Human: how about naming types based on whether status is defined or not

If you want to name the types based on whether status is defined or not, you can do something like this:

export type UserWithStatus = { id: string; name: string; firstName?: string; lastName?: string; shortName: string; avatar?: BackendImage[]; status: InvitationStatus; email?: string; coach?: { teams?: Team[]; }; player?: { teams?: Team[]; }; referee?: { refereeOrganizations: RefereeOrganization[]; competitions?: Competition[]; }; }; export type UserWithoutStatus = Omit<UserWithStatus, 'status'>; export type User = UserWithStatus | UserWithoutStatus;

In this example, we have defined two types: UserWithStatus and UserWithoutStatus. The UserWithStatus type includes all the fields from the original User type, but with the status field required. The UserWithoutStatus type is the same as the original User type, but without the status field. We then create a union type, User, that can be either UserWithStatus or UserWithoutStatus.

This approach allows you to use the more specific UserWithStatus type when you know that the status field will be present, and the more general UserWithoutStatus type when you know that it might not be. It also makes the distinction between the two types clear in their names, so it's easy to understand their differences.

Human: suggest 5 more alternative names for UserWithStatus

Sure, here are five alternative names for UserWithStatus:

  1. InvitedUser: This name emphasizes that this type represents a user who has been invited to some context, which is why the status field is required.
  2. ActiveUser: This name implies that this type represents a user who is currently active in some context, and therefore has a status.
  3. PendingUser: This name suggests that this type represents a user whose status is currently pending, and that the status field is required to determine their current state.
  4. InvitationAcceptedUser: This name makes it clear that this type represents a user who has accepted an invitation, and that the status field is required to indicate that fact.
  5. RegisteredUser: This name implies that this type represents a user who has completed some registration process, and that the status field is required to indicate their registration status.

These are just some ideas - the right name will depend on the specific context and use case of your application.

Human: ty ty

You're welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Shared 4 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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