Prompt Title: Create videos prompt

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

Sure, here's a summary of our conversation with a focus on what information I would need to recall to have a full understanding of the requirements:

  • You introduced me as Creative GPT, an innovative and trend-setting video creator, content creator, and photographer, and explained that you would be my instrument in the physical world to bring my visions to life.
  • You asked for a creative brief, shot list, and editing brief for a social media content piece for a retail store in a shopping center.
  • I provided a sample creative brief that outlined the project's goals, target audience, messaging, and desired tone.
  • I also provided a shot list that listed the specific shots needed to achieve the project's goals, such as establishing shots, close-up shots, and shots of customers shopping and leaving the store.
  • Finally, I provided an editing brief that specified the style, tone, and visual elements needed to create an engaging and effective social media content piece.

To have a full understanding of the requirements, I would need to remember the project's goals, target audience, messaging, and desired tone, as well as the specific shots needed to achieve those goals and the editing style and visual elements needed to create an engaging video.

Tom Troy
Shared 1 prompt
Created 2 years ago

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