Prompt Title: Query response times

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Yes, it is possible to analyze historic query response times in Neo4j by using the Neo4j Query Log.

The Neo4j Query Log records all queries that have been executed against the database, along with information about their execution time, result size, and other metrics. You can use this information to analyze query performance over time and identify trends or patterns that may indicate performance issues.

To enable query logging, you can add the following settings to your Neo4j configuration file:

dbms.logs.query.enabled=true dbms.logs.query.rotation.size=100m dbms.logs.query.rotation.keep_number=5

These settings enable query logging and set the log rotation size to 100 megabytes, with a maximum of five log files kept. You can adjust these settings to meet your specific needs.

Once query logging is enabled, you can use the Neo4j Browser or third-party tools like APOC to query the log and analyze query performance over time. For example, you can use the apoc.periodic.iterate() function to iterate over each log entry and calculate the average execution time for each query:

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(' MATCH (q:QueryLogEntry) RETURN q.query AS query, avg(q.time) AS avg_time ', ' CREATE (:QueryPerformance {query: query, avg_time: avg_time}) ', {batchSize: 1000})

This query retrieves all log entries and calculates the average execution time for each query. It then creates a new node in the graph with the query and average execution time.

By analyzing the query log, you can gain valuable insights into query performance over time and identify trends or patterns that may indicate performance issues. This can help you optimize your queries and database for better performance.

Roy Scheerder
Shared 2 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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