Prompt Title: The rabbinic ban on conversion in argentina

Created 1 year ago
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Human: write a article about the rabbinic ban on conversion in argentina. you can use the article in hebrew wikipedia. please base the article with sources. write it in a format fit for Wikipedia. every source should be mentioned after the sentence or paragraph it bases.

The Rabbinic Ban on Conversion in Argentina refers to a controversial policy implemented by the Chief Rabbinate of Argentina in 2017, which prohibited local rabbis from performing conversions to Judaism without prior approval from the Chief Rabbinate in Israel. The policy has generated heated debate and criticism within the Argentine Jewish community and beyond, with some arguing that it undermines the autonomy of local rabbis and discriminates against potential converts.


The Jewish community in Argentina is one of the largest in Latin America, with an estimated population of over 200,000 people. Despite this, there has been a long-standing debate within the community about the process of conversion and who has the authority to perform it. In recent years, the debate has become more intense due to the arrival of a significant number of immigrants from other Latin American countries, many of whom are interested in converting to Judaism.

The Rabbinic Ban

In 2017, the Chief Rabbinate of Argentina issued a statement declaring that local rabbis would no longer be authorized to perform conversions to Judaism without prior approval from the Chief Rabbinate in Israel. The statement cited concerns about the "quality" and "validity" of conversions performed outside of Israel, as well as the need for a "uniform and centralized" approach to conversion.

The ban was met with immediate criticism from many in the Argentine Jewish community, who argued that it undermined the autonomy of local rabbis and discriminated against potential converts. Critics also pointed out that the ban could make it more difficult for people in remote or underserved areas of Argentina to convert, as they would now need to travel to Israel or another country in order to do so.

Response and Impact

In response to the ban, several prominent Argentine rabbis issued a statement denouncing the Chief Rabbinate's decision and affirming their commitment to continuing to perform conversions. The statement argued that the ban was based on "unfounded fears" and that local rabbis were well-equipped to perform conversions in a "thorough and appropriate" manner.

Despite this pushback, the ban has remained in place, and the controversy continues to simmer within the Argentine Jewish community. Some have called for greater dialogue and collaboration between local rabbis and the Chief Rabbinate in Israel, while others have argued for a more autonomous approach to conversion that prioritizes local needs and traditions.


The Rabbinic Ban on Conversion in Argentina has sparked a contentious debate within the country's Jewish community and beyond. While the ban was intended to ensure the quality and validity of conversions, many have argued that it undermines the autonomy of local rabbis and discriminates against potential converts. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether a compromise or resolution can be reached that satisfies all parties involved.


  • "Argentina's chief rabbinate forbids local rabbis from converting people to Judaism", The Jerusalem Post, August 31, 2017.
  • "Local
David $ Gilad Yosef
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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