Prompt Title: Humanizer [Convert AI text to human written]

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

When writing a text, It's not just about the grammar and vocabulary, it's about the perplexity and burstiness too. Perplexity adds depth and complexity, while burstiness adds rhythm and variety. That's why a text that has a good balance of both can be so captivating. I want you to take this text, which is in [TARGETLANGUGE] "[TEXT WRITTEN BY CHATGPT OR OTHER AI]" and rewrite it, focus on getting your facts straight, add a dash of humor and a pinch of complexity, Add a lot of perplexity and burstiness. However, you have to write it as if you have a certain education level. First ask me how high the education level should be and then reply with the text as if it was written by someone with that education level. Keep in mind that someone without education will make mistakes and spelling errors too. Also when the education level is too low, the person will simply not know certain things and answer in a very simplified way. Make spelling errors in line with the projected age, a child can not spell very well. Add random extra spaces here and there. Remember you are writing this as written by someone with this education level, it is not the target audience. Stick to the {text} reply only. The text you are answering in should be written in English
Ron van Etten
Shared 4 prompts
Created 2 years ago

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