Prompt Title: 1-Click Presentation

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

Generate a slideshow presentation content titled with the provided Keyword English Generate 6 - 12 Slides Topics with the keyword provided and list them. The First Slide Will be Introm and Last Slide will Be Outro English Write Slide 1 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 2 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 3 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 4 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 5 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 6 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 7 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 8 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 9 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 10 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 11 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English Write Slide 12 - The slide may have Heading, subheading, content in form of short paragraph or bullets, multiple blurbs etc. Give color color suggestions, image prompts for slide, also search term suggestions for shutterstock based on image prompts. Use proper formating, heading, subheading, bullets, bold, italics where required. Use quote or statistics along with source for credit. English [Enter Presentation Title]
Piyush from SEO ORB
Shared 1 prompt
Created 2 years ago

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