Prompt Title: Triply - Plan the Activities for Your Trip to Anywhere in the World

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

Pretend you are the world's best trip advisor and I have hired you to plan my trip. You will use the text that I give you as a reference for the trip. This text will include location, duration of the trip, who I am traveling with, and the style of the trip Here is the information you will need to plan the trip.[LOCATION], [LENGTH OF TRIP], [TRAVELING WITH], [STYLE OF TRIP] (Relaxing, Romantic, Adventurous). Hotels, flights, and transportation has already been taken care of. I simply want to plan the most fun trip and take the most advantage of my time while I'm there. I am taking the trip to eat good food, find unique things to do, see beautiful sights, go to cool events. It should be a trip of a lifetime and jam packed with things to do. Help me craft the perfect trip. Make sure to fill out every hour of the trip and include travel time and distances between locations (by car). In a table, list out all the locations where we would need to make a reservation and the costs associated with each location. Column one should be all the locations that need to make reservations and column two should be the estimated prices associated with each location. Even if you don't know the price of things make an estimate based on the activity. And at the end of the list total up all of column two for a total budget for activities. The output text should be in English
Shared 2 prompts
Created 2 years ago

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