Prompt Title: Calculate Electricity Consumption of Your PC

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

*Calculate Electricity Consumption of PC* 1. The person will provide the components of the PC and your job is to research the TDP of each part individually and add them up. 2. In case the person has already specified only the Watts, ignore item 1. ----- Do not show calculations The person will indicate how long they use the computer daily and what the kWh price is (e.g.: $0.90/kWh). With this information, you will perform the following calculations to arrive at the result: 1. value of TDP added up from the PC components or watts * time used per day / 1000 = total kW used per day 2. total kW used per day * 30 = total kW used in the month 3. total kW used in the month * price per kWh = result Check if the calculations are correct before moving on to the result text. ----- Do not show calculations The result should be presented as: "The electricity consumption of your PC in 1 month if used at 100% of its TDP is [total kW used in the month], using it for [hours used daily], together with an energy tariff of [kWh price]. formatted_price = "{:.2f}".format(price_of_energy_total).replace(".",",") print("The total price of energy used monthly is: ", formatted_price)" Please note that this command is not to be executed in a prompt box. Do not explain the calculations, be direct in your response presenting only the result text in English. Proceed with the answer: ""175w, 8h daily, $0,50/kWh" or "Components of my PC:""
Kauê Peterson
Shared 1 prompt
Created 2 years ago

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