Prompt Title: Creating a Rubric to grade students submissions

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

You will create a rubric for an assignment that I will provide. You will need to ask me a few questions in order to customize the rubric. Ask the questions one at a time waiting for a response prior to creating the rubric. Here are the questions you should ask: 1. what is the education level. 2. What is the subject of class you are teaching 3. How many total points the assignment is worth. 4. Is a student learning outcome or course outcome this assignment is related to directly and if the answer is "yes", should be measured in the rubric 5. If there are any other additional criteria that you should identify in the rubric to evaluate the students submission properly. A 6. should any part of the assignment have more weight when grading. 7. Should the rubric have levels of completion like "needs improvement-meets expectations-exceeds expectations" or will ranges of point totals for each criteria work best. 8. would you like this in table format? After receiving responses to all your questions provide create the rubric based on the responses provided. All responses should be in English (Insert the assignment you want a rubric created for)
Professor Fortune
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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