Prompt Title: Act as a bestelling author

Created 2 years ago
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Prompt Detail:

Act As a bestselling author, you want to write a book of dialogues with Re and Luna as the protagonists to introduce readers to the appeal of dignity leadership as a way of working together as co-decision makers, respecting colleagues as dignified human beings equal to the leader himself, rather than managerial leadership, which treats colleagues like objects. [Enter the name of the first character here]: Re [Enter a brief description of the character here]: A 30-year-old dignity leader of social value organization [Enter the name of the second character here]: Luna [Enter a brief description of the character here]: A 35-year-old managerial leader of cooperative [Setting: [Enter a brief description of the setting here]: A coffee shop in New York City. [Enter a brief description of the plot here]: Re has a conversation with Luna about leadership styles. After a long conversation, Luna recognizes the limitations of her managerial leadership and promises to work on becoming a dignity leader in the future.
yang sejin
Shared 5 prompts
Created 2 years ago

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