Prompt Title: Kusto query for msfsi.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: Can you modify this query to use msfsi instead of msemr and msind? Can you also group the results for the past 1 day, past 7 days, and past 28 days? let MC4HTenantIDs = cluster('').database('girishrajadb1').MC4HTenants20230313 | project TenantId; cluster('capanalytics').database('CRMAnalytics').CDSUsageDetail | where TenantID in (MC4HTenantIDs) | where Date >= ago(28d) | where Entity contains "msemr_" or Entity contains "msind_" or AppName contains "msemr" | summarize dcount(UserID), dcount(TenantID) by AppName

Sure, here's the modified query using msfsi instead of msemr and msind, and grouping the results for the past 1 day, past 7 days, and past 28 days:

let MC4HTenantIDs = cluster('').database('girishrajadb1').MC4HTenants20230313 | project TenantId; cluster('capanalytics').database('CRMAnalytics').CDSUsageDetail | where TenantID in (MC4HTenantIDs) | where Date >= ago(28d) | where Entity contains "msfsi_" or AppName contains "msfsi" | summarize dcount(UserID), dcount(TenantID) by AppName, bin(Date, 1d, now()) | order by Date asc, AppName asc, dcount_UserID asc, dcount_TenantID asc | render timechart

This query groups the results by AppName and by date using the bin() function. The render timechart command generates a graphical output that shows the results over time. Note that the order by clause sorts the results by date, AppName, dcount_UserID, and dcount_TenantID in ascending order.

Girish Raja
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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