Prompt Title: Entrepreneur Registration in Serbia

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Registering as a private entrepreneur (or sole proprietorship) in Serbia involves several stages and costs. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Choose a business name: Before registering your business, you need to choose a unique name for it. You can check the availability of your desired business name on the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA) website.

  2. Obtain a unique identification number (JMBG): To register a business in Serbia, you need a unique identification number (JMBG) which can be obtained from the local police station or municipality office.

  3. Open a bank account: Once you have a JMBG, you need to open a bank account in your business name. You can choose any bank in Serbia for this.

  4. Register your business with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA): The SBRA is the central registry for all business entities in Serbia. To register your business, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Application for registration of the business
  • Copy of your ID or passport
  • Proof of payment of the registration fee
  • Proof of ownership or lease of the business premises (if applicable)
  1. Register for taxes: As a private entrepreneur in Serbia, you need to register for tax purposes. You can do this at the local tax office or online through the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia website.

The costs associated with registering a private entrepreneur in Serbia include:

  • Registration fee: 4,900 Serbian dinars (approximately 40 euros)
  • Legal fees (if using a lawyer)
  • Bank fees for opening a business account
  • Fees for obtaining a JMBG

Overall, the registration process for a private entrepreneur in Serbia can take up to two weeks, depending on the completeness of your documents and the workload of the SBRA.

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Created 1 year ago

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