Prompt Title: Arduino code for ball balancing.

Created 1 year ago
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Sure, here's an Arduino code that can keep a ball on a plate using a beam:

#include <Servo.h> Servo servo; int servoPin = 9; int sensorPin = A0; int setpoint = 512; int error, previousError, pidOutput; int kp = 10, ki = 0, kd = 0; int integral = 0, derivative = 0; void setup() { servo.attach(servoPin); pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT); } void loop() { int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); error = setpoint - sensorValue; integral += error; derivative = error - previousError; pidOutput = kp * error + ki * integral + kd * derivative; previousError = error; servo.write(90 - pidOutput); delay(20); }

In this code, we're using a servo motor to adjust the angle of the plate to keep the ball in the center of the beam. The beam is connected to a sensor that provides feedback to the Arduino, which then calculates the error between the setpoint (the center of the beam) and the actual position of the ball on the plate.

The PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) algorithm is used to calculate the output to the servo motor. The kp, ki, and kd constants are the proportional, integral, and derivative gains, respectively. You can adjust these values to fine-tune the control of the ball.

Note that you may need to adjust the servoPin and sensorPin variables to match the pins you're using on your Arduino board. Additionally, you may need to adjust the setpoint value to match the center of your beam.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Human: The sensor is pixy camera

If you're using a Pixy camera instead of a simple analog sensor, you'll need to modify the code to use the Pixy library to read the position of the ball. Here's an updated code that uses the Pixy2 library:

#include <Pixy2.h> #include <Servo.h> Pixy2 pixy; Servo servo; int servoPin = 9; int setpoint = 160; // center of the Pixy frame int error, previousError, pidOutput; int kp = 10, ki = 0, kd = 0; int integral = 0, derivative = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pixy.init(); servo.attach(servoPin); } void loop() { pixy.ccc.getBlocks(); // get the location of the ball if (pixy.ccc.numBlocks) { int ballX = pixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_x; // get the x position of the ball error = setpoint - ballX; integral += error; derivative = error - previousError; pidOutput = kp * error + ki * integral + kd * derivative; previousError = error; servo.write(90 - pidOutput); } delay(20); }

In this code, we're using the Pixy2 library to get the position of the ball in the frame. We use the getBlocks() method to retrieve the block data from the Pixy camera. We then extract the x-coordinate of the ball from the block data.

The rest of the code is similar to the previous example. We calculate the error between the setpoint and the ball position, and then use the PID algorithm to adjust the output to the servo motor.

Again, you may need to adjust the servoPin and setpoint variables to match your setup. Additionally, you may need to adjust the PID gains to fine-tune the control of the ball.

Adir oscar
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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