Prompt Title: stay in brexit poem

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Amidst the chaos and confusion, Brexit brought about a great division, A rift that tore the country apart, And left a bitter taste in every heart.

The message was one of separation, A break from the EU and its regulation, But what about the ties we've built, The unity and the benefits we've felt?

The tone of this poem is one of regret, For the loss of what we could have kept, A reminder of the strength we had, As a part of a greater union, not just a fad.

We once belonged to a greater whole, And now we find ourselves in a deep hole, A hole that's dug by our own hand, With consequences we may never understand.

The structure of this poem is free, To reflect the chaos and uncertainty, No rhymes or rhythms can bring it peace, Only a message that may never cease.

But there is one phrase that stands out clear, "80 million turks" we once did fear, A scare tactic used to fuel division, But now we see it was a false decision.

For in unity, we find strength, And now we see the folly at length, Brexit brought about a great divide, But a remain EU is where we should reside.

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Created 1 year ago

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