Prompt Title: GraphQL vs REST pros/cons.

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Human: cons and pros on graphql vs rest api

GraphQL and REST APIs are both widely used technologies for building web applications. While they share some similarities, there are several differences between them. Here are some pros and cons of each:

GraphQL Pros:

  1. Increased efficiency: With GraphQL, clients can request only the data they need, reducing the amount of data transferred over the network and improving performance.

  2. Flexibility: GraphQL allows clients to specify the shape and structure of the data they need, allowing for more flexible querying.

  3. Strong typing: GraphQL provides a strong type system, making it easier for developers to understand and work with the API.

  4. Built-in documentation: GraphQL APIs provide documentation by default, making it easier for developers to understand how to use the API.

  5. Supports multiple data sources: GraphQL can be used to aggregate data from multiple sources, making it easier to build complex applications.

GraphQL Cons:

  1. Complexity: GraphQL can be more complex than REST APIs, requiring more effort to design and maintain.

  2. Caching: Because GraphQL queries can be so flexible, caching can be more difficult to implement, potentially impacting performance.

  3. Tooling: GraphQL is a relatively new technology compared to REST APIs, and as such, there may be less tooling available for it.


  1. Simplicity: REST APIs are relatively simple to design and implement, making them a good choice for smaller applications.

  2. Wide adoption: REST APIs are widely adopted, and as such, there are many tools and frameworks available to work with them.

  3. Caching: Because REST APIs follow a predictable structure, caching can be easily implemented, improving performance.

  4. Statelessness: REST APIs are stateless, meaning that each request is independent, making them easier to scale.


  1. Over-fetching: REST APIs often return more data than is necessary, leading to wasted bandwidth and slower performance.

  2. Under-fetching: REST APIs may require multiple requests to retrieve all the necessary data, leading to increased latency.

  3. Limited flexibility: REST APIs are constrained by their fixed structure, making it difficult to accommodate changes in the data model or client needs.

In summary, GraphQL is a good choice for larger applications where flexibility and efficiency are important, while REST APIs may be a better choice for smaller applications or applications where wide adoption and tooling are important.

Human: does graphQL require specific programming languages or tools to implement?

GraphQL is not tied to any specific programming language or framework, and can be implemented in a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Python, and more.

There are many open-source GraphQL implementations available, including graphql-js, graphql-java, graphql-ruby, and graphql-python. These libraries provide tools for defining GraphQL schemas, parsing and executing queries, and connecting to data sources.

In addition, there are many GraphQL clients available for various programming languages and frameworks, such as Apollo Client for JavaScript, and graphql-java-kickstart for Java. These clients provide tools for consuming GraphQL APIs and handling data fetching and caching.

Overall, GraphQL is a language-agnostic technology, which means that it can be used with any programming language that supports HTTP requests and responses.

Human: What's the most popular java tool to develop graphQL?

There are several popular Java tools available for developing GraphQL, but one of the most widely used and well-supported tools is the graphql-java library.

graphql-java is an open-source library that provides a complete implementation of the GraphQL specification in Java. It includes tools for defining GraphQL schemas, parsing and executing queries, and connecting to data sources. The library is actively maintained and has a large community of contributors, making it a popular choice for developing GraphQL applications in Java.

In addition to graphql-java, there are several other popular Java tools for developing GraphQL, including:

  • Spring Boot: A popular Java framework that includes built-in support for GraphQL via the Spring Data GraphQL project.

  • GraphQL-SPQR: A lightweight library that provides annotations-based schema generation and parsing for GraphQL in Java.

  • Sangria: A Scala-based GraphQL implementation that can be used with Java.

Overall, graphql-java is a widely used and well-supported tool for developing GraphQL in Java, but there are several other popular options available depending on your specific needs and preferences.

Human: give an example of create graphql endpoint in spring boot

Sure, here's an example of how to create a GraphQL endpoint in a Spring Boot application:

  1. Add the necessary dependencies to your pom.xml or build.gradle file:
<!-- GraphQL Java library --> <dependency> <groupId>com.graphql-java</groupId> <artifactId>graphql-java</artifactId> <version>16.2.0</version> </dependency> <!-- Spring Boot Starter for GraphQL --> <dependency> <groupId>com.graphql-java-kickstart</groupId> <artifactId>graphql-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>15.1.0</version> </dependency>
  1. Create a GraphQL schema file schema.graphqls in the src/main/resources folder:
type Query { hello: String }

This defines a simple GraphQL schema with a single query hello that returns a string.

  1. Create a Java class HelloDataFetcher to handle the hello query:
import graphql.schema.DataFetcher; import graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class HelloDataFetcher implements DataFetcher<String> { @Override public String get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) { return "Hello, world!"; } }

This class implements the DataFetcher interface and returns the string "Hello, world!" when the hello query is executed.

  1. Create a Java class GraphQLConfig to configure the GraphQL endpoint:
import graphql.schema.GraphQLSchema; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.CrossOrigin; @Configuration @CrossOrigin public class GraphQLConfig { private final HelloDataFetcher helloDataFetcher; public GraphQLConfig(HelloDataFetcher helloDataFetcher) { this.helloDataFetcher = helloDataFetcher; } @Bean public GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema() { return new GraphQLSchema.Builder() .query(newObject() .name("query") .field(field -> field .name("hello") .type(Scalars.GraphQLString) .dataFetcher(helloDataFetcher))) .build(); } }

This class defines a bean graphQLSchema that builds the GraphQL schema using the HelloDataFetcher class we created earlier.

  1. Create a controller to handle GraphQL requests:
import graphql.ExecutionResult; import graphql.GraphQL; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; @RestController @RequestMapping("/graphql") public class GraphQLController { private final GraphQL graphQL; @Autowired public GraphQLController(GraphQL graphQL) { this.graphQL = graphQL; } @PostMapping public ExecutionResult execute(@RequestBody String query) { return graphQL.execute(query); } }

This controller maps requests to /graphql and uses the GraphQL bean to execute GraphQL queries.

That's it! You can now run your Spring Boot application and test the GraphQL endpoint by sending a POST request to http://localhost:8080/graphql with the following body:

{ "query": "{ hello }" }

This should return the following response:

{ "data": { "hello": "Hello, world!" } }

This is a very simple example, but it should give you an idea of how to create a GraphQL endpoint in a Spring Boot application.

Human: what could be the problem when graphql returns error: "message": "String cannot represent value: { name: \"Tesla Y\", description: \"New EV\", price: 52823.12, soldout: \"ONSTOCK\", inventory: 4, stores: [[Object], [Object]] }",

The error message suggests that there is an issue with the input data that was sent in a GraphQL query or mutation. Specifically, it seems that a string value was expected, but instead an object was provided.

This can occur when the GraphQL server is expecting a scalar type, such as a string, but the client sends an object instead. In this case, the error message indicates that the object contains the fields name, description, price, soldout, inventory, and stores.

To fix this issue, you will need to make sure that the client sends the correct data types for each field. For example, if the soldout field is expected to be a string, then it should not be an object. Similarly, if the stores field is expected to be a list of objects, then the client should send an array of objects instead of a single object.

It's also possible that the issue is with the GraphQL schema itself. If the schema is not properly defined to handle the input data, then this error can occur. In this case, you may need to update the schema to properly handle the input data types.

Human: here's input: input ProductInput { id: ID name: String description: String price: Float soldout: Soldout inventory: Int stores: [StoreInput] } name is defined as 'String', what could be the problem?

Based on the input you provided, it appears that the name field in the ProductInput input type is defined as a String, which is correct.

However, the error message you provided earlier suggests that there may be an issue with the actual input data that was sent in a GraphQL query or mutation. Specifically, it seems that the input data contains an object instead of a string value for the name field.

To fix this issue, you will need to make sure that the client is sending the correct data types for each field in the ProductInput input type. In this case, make sure that the name field is being sent as a string, and not as an object.

For example, the correct way to send the ProductInput input type with a string value for the name field would be:

{ "id": "1", "name": "Tesla Y", "description": "New EV", "price": 52823.12, "soldout": "ONSTOCK", "inventory": 4, "stores": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Store 1" }, { "id": "2", "name": "Store 2" } ] }

Make sure that the client is sending the correct data types for each field, and that the data is formatted correctly according to the GraphQL schema.

Human: here's the client sent data: mutation { createProduct(input: { name: "Tesla Y", description: "New EV", price: 52823.12, soldout: ONSTOCK, inventory: 4, stores: [ { id: "1", store: "Seattle" }, { id: "2", store: "Olympia" } ] }) { price inventory id name } }

It looks like the issue with the input data is that the value for the soldout field is not enclosed in quotation marks.

In GraphQL, string values must be enclosed in quotation marks, so the correct syntax for the createProduct mutation would be:

mutation { createProduct(input: { name: "Tesla Y", description: "New EV", price: 52823.12, soldout: "ONSTOCK", inventory: 4, stores: [ { id: "1", store: "Seattle" }, { id: "2", store: "Olympia" } ] }) { price inventory id name } }

By enclosing "ONSTOCK" in quotation marks, the soldout field is now being passed as a string value instead of an object. This should resolve the error message you received earlier.

Human: soldout is enum type: ONSTOCK, SOLDOUT

Thank you for the clarification. If soldout is an enum type with the values ONSTOCK and SOLDOUT, then the input data should specify the enum value as follows:

mutation { createProduct(input: { name: "Tesla Y", description: "New EV", price: 52823.12, soldout: ONSTOCK, inventory: 4, stores: [ { id: "1", store: "Seattle" }, { id: "2", store: "Olympia" } ] }) { price inventory id name } }

Note that in this case, the enum value should not be enclosed in quotation marks. If the enum value is defined as a string in the schema, then it should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Human: still returns the same error. Here's the resolver.js: const resolvers = { getProduct: ({id}) =&gt; { return new Product(id, productDatabase[id]); }, createProduct: ({input}) =&gt; { const id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); productDatabase[id] = input; return new Product(id, input); }, };

Based on the input data and the resolver code you provided, it seems that the issue is not related to the resolver code itself, but rather to the input data that is being sent by the client.

The error message suggests that the createProduct mutation is receiving an input value that cannot be represented as a string, which is causing the error. This could be due to an incorrect data type or a syntax error in the input data.

To further troubleshoot this issue, you can try adding some debugging statements to the resolver code to print out the input value before it is processed, like this:

const resolvers = { getProduct: ({id}) => { return new Product(id, productDatabase[id]); }, createProduct: ({input}) => { console.log("Input received:", input); // Add this line for debugging const id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); productDatabase[id] = input; return new Product(id, input); }, };

This will print out the exact input value that the resolver is receiving, which can help identify any issues with the input data.

Alternatively, you can try using a GraphQL client like GraphiQL or Apollo Studio to test the createProduct mutation and see if you get the same error message. This can help confirm whether the issue is with the client-side code or the resolver code.

Human: Server running on localhost:8080/graphql Input received: [Object: null prototype] { name: 'Tesla Y', description: 'New EV', price: 52823.12, soldout: 'ONSTOCK', inventory: 4, stores: [ [Object: null prototype] { id: '1', store: 'Seattle' }, [Object: null prototype] { id: '2', store: 'Olympia' } ] } Input received: [Object: null prototype] { name: 'Tesla Y', description: 'New EV', price: 52823.12, soldout: 'ONSTOCK', inventory: 4, stores: [ [Object: null prototype] { id: '1', store: 'Seattle' }, [Object: null prototype] { id: '2', store: 'Olympia' } ] } Input received: [Object: null prototype] { name: 'Tesla Y', description: 'New EV', price: 52823.12, soldout: 'ONSTOCK', inventory: 4, stores: [ [Object: null prototype] { id: '1', store: 'Seattle' }, [Object: null prototype] { id: '2', store: 'Olympia' } ] }

It seems like the resolver code is working correctly and is receiving the input values as expected.

The issue could be related to the way the Soldout enum type is defined in your GraphQL schema. You mentioned earlier that soldout can have two possible values, ONSTOCK and SOLDOUT, but I don't see that Soldout enum type being defined in your schema.

To define an enum type in your schema, you can add something like this to your .graphqls file:

enum Soldout { ONSTOCK SOLDOUT }

Make sure that this definition matches the possible values of the soldout field in your ProductInput input type.

If this does not solve the issue, you may need to provide more information about your GraphQL schema and the exact error message that you are seeing.

Human: here's schema.js: import { buildSchema} from "graphql"; const schema = buildSchema(` type Product { id: ID name: String description: String price: Float soldout: Soldout inventory: Int stores: [Store] } enum Soldout { SOLDOUT ONSTOCK } type Store { id: ID store: String } type Query { getProduct(id: ID): Product } input StoreInput { id: ID store: String } input ProductInput { id: ID name: String description: String price: Float soldout: Soldout inventory: Int stores: [StoreInput] } type Mutation { createProduct(input: ProductInput): Product } `); export default schema;

Your schema definition looks correct, and you have defined the Soldout enum type with the possible values of SOLDOUT and ONSTOCK, which matches the input value in your mutation.

However, the error message you mentioned earlier indicates that GraphQL is having difficulty parsing the input value for the soldout field. One possible issue could be that the input value is not being sent correctly from the client or is not being interpreted correctly by the GraphQL server.

To further investigate this issue, you may want to enable debugging in your GraphQL server to see the raw input values being sent by the client and how they are being processed by the resolver functions. This may help you identify any issues with the input values or with the resolver code.

You could also try using a GraphQL client such as GraphQL Playground or GraphiQL to test your server and see if you can reproduce the issue with the input values.

If the issue persists, you may need to provide more information about the error message and any debugging steps you have taken so far to help diagnose the issue.

Human: here's the return JSON from server: { "errors": [ { "message": "String cannot represent value: { name: \"Tesla Y\", description: \"New EV\", price: 52823.12, soldout: \"ONSTOCK\", inventory: 4, stores: [[Object], [Object]] }", "locations": [ { "line": 22, "column": 5 } ], "path": [ "createProduct", "name" ] } ], "data": { "createProduct": { "price": null, "inventory": null, "id": "bd4dbd4b1d69d8c8b8b6", "name": null } } }

Based on the error message you're getting and the fact that the createProduct mutation is returning null values for the name and price fields, it seems likely that there's an issue with how the input object is being parsed in the resolver function.

When you log the input object, it appears to be correct, so the issue may be with how the Product object is being constructed. It's possible that the resolver is not correctly extracting the values from the input object and passing them to the Product constructor.

Here's an updated version of the createProduct resolver function that should properly extract the values from the input object:

createProduct: ({input}) => { const id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); const { name, description, price, soldout, inventory, stores } = input; const product = { id, name, description, price, soldout, inventory, stores, }; productDatabase[id] = product; return new Product(id, product); },

This should properly extract the values from the input object and construct a new Product object with those values. Let me know if this resolves the issue for you!

Human: received the same error after making the change suggested above

If the error message still persists after following the previous suggestions, it could be because the Soldout enum type is not being properly parsed by GraphQL.

You can try modifying your schema.js file to include a scalar type for Soldout enum and add a resolve function to convert the enum values to the desired string format. Here is an example:

const { buildSchema, graphql } = require('graphql'); const schema = buildSchema(` enum Soldout { SOLDOUT ONSTOCK } scalar SoldoutValue type Product { id: ID! name: String! description: String! price: Float! soldout: SoldoutValue! inventory: Int! stores: [Store!]! } type Store { id: ID! store: String! } input StoreInput { id: ID! store: String! } input ProductInput { id: ID name: String! description: String! price: Float! soldout: Soldout! inventory: Int! stores: [StoreInput!]! } type Query { getProduct(id: ID!): Product } type Mutation { createProduct(input: ProductInput!): Product } `); const soldoutResolver = { SoldoutValue: { __parseValue(value) { return value; }, __serialize(value) { switch (value) { case 'SOLDOUT': return 'SOLDOUT'; case 'ONSTOCK': return 'ON STOCK'; default: return null; } }, __parseLiteral(ast) { switch (ast.value) { case 'SOLDOUT': return 'SOLDOUT'; case 'ONSTOCK': return 'ON STOCK'; default: return null; } }, }, }; const root = { getProduct: ({ id }) => { return new Product(id, productDatabase[id]); }, createProduct: ({ input }) => { const id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); productDatabase[id] = input; return new Product(id, input); }, }; module.exports = { schema, root, soldoutResolver, };

In this example, we added a new scalar type SoldoutValue and a resolve function to convert the enum values to strings. We also added the soldoutResolver object and passed it to the graphqlHTTP middleware.

With these changes, GraphQL should be able to properly parse the Soldout enum type and return the expected result.

Human: new error: { "errors": [ { "message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Product.price.", "locations": [ { "line": 19, "column": 5 } ], "path": [ "createProduct", "price" ] } ], "data": { "createProduct": null } }

The error message indicates that the price field in the createProduct mutation resolver is returning null, which is not allowed since the schema defines it as a non-nullable field.

One possible reason for this error could be that the input argument passed to the createProduct resolver does not have a price property.

To fix this issue, you should ensure that the price property is included in the input object and that it is of type Float.

Human: if change the input to: mutation { createProduct(input: { name: "Tesla Y", description: "New EV", price: 52823.12, soldout: ONSTOCK, inventory: 4, stores: [ { id: "1", store: "Seattle" }, { id: "2", store: "Olympia" } ] }) { id } } it returns { "data": { "createProduct": { "id": "a93d96627b80946582fb" } } }

It looks like the new input you provided is successfully creating a new product and returning its ID. However, there may still be an issue with the resolver not correctly setting the other fields of the created product.

One possible solution is to update the createProduct resolver to first create a new Product instance with all the input fields, and then add it to the productDatabase object. Here is an example implementation of this approach:

createProduct: ({ input }) => { const id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); const newProduct = new Product(id, input); productDatabase[id] = newProduct; return newProduct; }

This implementation creates a new Product instance with the given id and input fields, and then adds it to the productDatabase. Finally, it returns the new product instance.

With this implementation, you can try running the previous mutation with the complete input fields, and see if all the fields of the created product are correctly set in the response.

Human: Input received: [Object: null prototype] { name: 'Tesla Y', description: 'New EV', price: 52823.12, soldout: 'ONSTOCK', inventory: 4, stores: [ [Object: null prototype] { id: '1', store: 'Seattle' }, [Object: null prototype] { id: '2', store: 'Olympia' } ] } here's the log

It seems like the mutation is working fine and the input is being correctly received by the resolver. The next step would be to check the implementation of the Product class and ensure that the price property is set correctly. It seems like the price property is not being set or is set to null, which is causing the "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Product.price" error.

Human: class Product { constructor(id, name, description, price, soldout, inventory, stores) { = id; = name; this.description = description; this.price = price; this.soldout = soldout; this.inventory = inventory; this.stores = stores; } }

The Product class you provided looks correct. It has a constructor that takes in the necessary parameters to create a Product object, and sets them as instance variables on the object.

Human: here's how product is defined in schema.js type Product { id: ID name: String description: String price: Float soldout: Soldout inventory: Int stores: [Store] }

Thanks for providing the Product type definition from your schema. Based on that, I can see that the price field is defined as a non-nullable Float type. This means that when creating a new Product, you must provide a valid value for the price field, otherwise, you will get the error you mentioned earlier: "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Product.price.".

In your latest mutation, you are not providing a value for the id field, which is also defined as non-nullable in your schema. Since you are not providing a value for this field, GraphQL will automatically generate an id for the new Product. However, if you ever need to update this Product, you will need to have a valid id.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Human: id is not provided in input, but generated in code: createProduct: ({input}) =&gt; { console.log("Input received:", input); // Add this line for debugging const id = require('crypto').randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); const newProduct = new Product(id, input); productDatabase[id] = newProduct; return newProduct; },

I see, thank you for clarifying. In that case, it seems like the id field in the Product type is not marked as nullable, but it's not provided in the mutation input. You could mark it as nullable in the schema by adding a ! after the type name, like this:

type Product { id: ID! name: String description: String price: Float soldout: Soldout inventory: Int stores: [Store] }

With this change, the id field can be null in the input without causing a validation error.

Human: here's package.js: { "name": "graphql", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "start": "nodemon ./index.js --exec babel-node -e js" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "express": "^4.18.2", "express-graphql": "^0.12.0", "graphql": "^15.8.0", "nodemon": "^2.0.22" }, "devDependencies": { "@babel/cli": "^7.21.0", "@babel/core": "^7.21.3", "@babel/node": "^7.20.7", "@babel/preset-env": "^7.20.2" } }

It looks like you're using Babel to transpile your code. The error might be caused by a misconfiguration in your Babel setup. Can you check your .babelrc or babel.config.js file and make sure that you're transpiling the latest version of JavaScript syntax to a compatible version that Node.js can run?

Human: here's .babelrc: { "presets": [ [ "@babel/preset-env" ] ] }

Based on the information you have provided, it seems like the issue could be related to the GraphQL schema definition.

In the schema definition, the Product type has a field price with a non-null type (Float!). This means that the resolver for this field must always return a non-null value.

However, in the resolver function for createProduct, you are returning a new instance of Product where the price field is not set. This is causing the error Cannot return null for non-nullable field Product.price..

To fix this, you need to ensure that the price field is set for the new Product instance that you are returning in the createProduct resolver function.

One way to do this is to add a default value for price in the Product class constructor. For example:

class Product { constructor(id, { name, description, price = 0, soldout, inventory, stores }) { = id; = name; this.description = description; this.price = price; this.soldout = soldout; this.inventory = inventory; this.stores = stores; } }

This sets the default value of price to 0 if it is not provided in the input object.

You can also modify the resolver function to explicitly set the price field in the new Product instance that you are returning.

I hope this helps!

Human: Thank you! That solved the problem! It's working!

You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that the issue has been resolved and everything is working now. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or run into any other issues in the future.

Pete Tian
Shared 1 prompt
Created 2 years ago

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