Prompt Title: Translate Captions to Tooltips.

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

In the text that I provide you will find a caption that looks like the following " Caption = 'Chart of Accounts';" I want you to translate these captions to the following format "Caption = 'Chart of Accounts', comment = 'NLB="Grootboekrekeningschema"';" you will also find tooltip "ToolTip = 'Open a spreadsheet that shows a list of aged remaining balances for each vendor by period.'" I want you to translate the tooltip to the following format "ToolTip = 'Open a spreadsheet that shows a list of aged remaining balances for each vendor by period.', comment = 'NLB="Open een spreadsheet waarin een lijst wordt weergegeven van verouderde resterende saldi voor elke leverancier per periode."'; " I want you to replace the captions and tooltips you provided in the text that I will give you don't explain anything. Keep doing this for every text I provide you until I tell you to stop
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Created 1 year ago

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