Prompt Title: GPU Optimization for Whisper.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: How to optimise whisper on GPU

Optimizing a whisper on a GPU involves optimizing the algorithms used in the whisper implementation to make the most of the GPU's capabilities. Here are a few ways to optimize whisper on GPU:

  1. Parallelization: The GPU has hundreds or even thousands of processing cores that can work in parallel. To make the most of this parallelism, the whisper implementation should use parallel algorithms, such as those based on map-reduce or parallel reduction, that can be easily parallelized. Additionally, the implementation should minimize the use of sequential operations that could limit the parallelism.

  2. Memory usage: GPUs have limited memory compared to CPUs. To optimize whisper on GPU, you should minimize the memory footprint of the implementation by optimizing data structures and reducing the number of memory accesses.

  3. Optimization libraries: Several libraries, such as CUDA or OpenCL, are available to help optimize GPU performance. These libraries provide optimized routines for common operations, such as matrix multiplication or convolution, which can be used to accelerate the whisper implementation.

  4. Code profiling: Profiling the code helps identify the most time-consuming parts of the implementation. Once identified, these parts can be optimized to improve the overall performance of the implementation.

  5. Batch processing: The GPU can process large amounts of data efficiently, which makes it ideal for batch processing. The implementation should be designed to take advantage of this by processing data in batches rather than processing individual items one at a time.

  6. Optimization flags: Finally, the compiler can help optimize the code for the specific GPU architecture being used. By using compiler optimization flags, such as -O3 or -march=native, the code can be optimized for the specific hardware being used, which can improve performance.

Human: deepspeed whisper gpu optimization

Deepspeed is a library for optimizing deep learning models on GPUs. Whisper is a component of Deepspeed that optimizes the sparse attention operation used in transformer-based models. Here are a few ways to optimize whisper on GPU using Deepspeed:

  1. Mixed precision training: DeepSpeed's mixed precision training can significantly speed up the training process by using 16-bit floating-point precision for certain operations. This reduces memory bandwidth requirements and allows more computations to be performed in parallel, which can speed up training.

  2. Memory optimization: Deepspeed provides various memory optimization techniques such as tensor fusion, tensor offload and memory reuse. These techniques help reduce the memory footprint of the model and the computational requirements of the GPU. Whisper implements these techniques to optimize GPU memory usage.

  3. Gradient accumulation: In cases where the model does not fit in GPU memory, Deepspeed provides gradient accumulation to split the batch into smaller sizes to fit into the memory. This allows training to be performed on larger batch sizes, which can speed up the training process.

  4. Pipeline parallelism: Deepspeed provides pipeline parallelism which allows splitting the model across multiple GPUs, reducing the memory requirement for a single GPU. Whisper implements this technique to optimize GPU memory usage and parallelism.

  5. Automatic mixed precision: Deepspeed's automatic mixed precision helps optimize the model for the GPU by using the best possible precision for each operation. This can help speed up the training process and reduce the memory requirements.

  6. Dynamic loss scaling: Deepspeed's dynamic loss scaling adjusts the loss scale based on the magnitude of the gradients, which can help prevent underflows or overflows during training.

By leveraging the above techniques, Deepspeed's Whisper can optimize the sparse attention operation used in transformer-based models to run faster and more efficiently on GPUs.

Human: give me example of optimisating whisper with NVIDA A40 GPU

Optimizing Whisper with an NVIDIA A40 GPU involves leveraging the unique features and capabilities of the A40 to improve performance. Here are a few examples of how you can optimize Whisper with an NVIDIA A40 GPU:

  1. Use Tensor Cores: The A40 has Tensor Cores, which are specialized processing units that accelerate mixed precision matrix multiplication. By using mixed precision training and tensor cores, you can speed up the training process of the Whisper model.

  2. Enable Dynamic Parallelism: The A40 has Dynamic Parallelism, which allows the GPU to launch new kernels from within a kernel. This feature can be used to optimize parallelism in the Whisper implementation by launching additional kernels on the GPU as needed.

  3. Use CUDA Graphs: CUDA Graphs is a feature that allows the GPU to precompile a graph of operations, reducing the overhead of launching new kernels. By using CUDA Graphs, the Whisper implementation can reduce the overhead of launching new kernels and improve performance.

  4. Leverage Multi-Instance GPU (MIG): MIG is a feature that allows the A40 to be partitioned into multiple smaller GPUs, each with their own memory and processing units. By using MIG, you can run multiple instances of the Whisper implementation on a single A40, which can improve overall throughput.

  5. Use NVLink: NVLink is a high-speed interconnect technology that allows multiple GPUs to share memory and communicate directly with each other. By using NVLink, you can increase the bandwidth between GPUs, which can improve performance in multi-GPU setups.

By leveraging these features of the NVIDIA A40 GPU, you can optimize the Whisper implementation to run faster and more efficiently. It is important to note that the specific optimizations will depend on the specific characteristics of the Whisper implementation and the dataset being used. Therefore, a careful analysis of the implementation and dataset is needed to choose the most appropriate optimization techniques.

Human: deepspeed whisper gpu optimization example with url

Here's an example of how to optimize the Deepspeed Whisper implementation on a GPU using the NVIDIA A100 and the PyTorch framework. The example is adapted from the official Deepspeed tutorial on Sparse Attention optimization:

  1. Install the required packages:
pip install torch==1.9.0 deepspeed==0.5.2
  1. Create a Python script to train the model using Deepspeed and the Whisper optimizer:
import torch import deepspeed # define the model and dataset model = MyModel() dataset = MyDataset() # define the DeepSpeed configuration config = { "train_batch_size": 32, "steps_per_print": 100, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "zero_optimization": { "stage": 2, "offload_optimizer": { "device": "gpu" }, "offload_param": { "device": "gpu" }, "cpu_offload": False, "overlap_comm": True, "reduce_scatter": True, "contiguous_gradients": True, "overlap_allreduce": True }, "optimizer": { "type": "Adam", "params": { "lr": 0.01 } }, "fp16": { "enabled": True, "loss_scale": 0 } } # wrap the model in a Deepspeed engine model, _, _, _ = deepspeed.initialize( model=model, model_parameters=model.parameters(), config=config ) # train the model for i, (input_data, target) in enumerate(dataset): loss = model(input_data, target) model.backward(loss) model.step() if i % config["steps_per_print"] == 0: print(f"step {i}, loss {loss.item()}")
  1. Use the NVIDIA A100's Tensor Cores and mixed precision training to speed up the training process:
config["fp16"] = { "enabled": True, "loss_scale": 0, "initial_scale_power": 16, "loss_scale_window": 1000, "hysteresis": 2, "min_loss_scale": 1 } config["zero_optimization"]["stage"] = 3 config["zero_optimization"]["cpu_offload"] = True config["zero_optimization"]["overlap_comm"] = False config["zero_optimization"]["contiguous_gradients"] = False config["zero_optimization"]["offload_param"] = { "device": "nvme", "nvme_block_size": 128, "buffer_count": 4, "pipeline_depth": 4, "max_in_flight": 2, "partition_size": 500000000, "partition_count": 1, "tensor_mem_ratio": 0.5 } config["zero_optimization"]["offload_optimizer"] = { "device": "nvme", "nvme_block_size": 128, "buffer_count": 4, "pipeline_depth": 4, "max_in_flight": 2, "partition_size": 500000000, "partition_count": 1, "tensor_mem_ratio": 0.5 }
  1. Use CUDA Graphs to optimize kernel launching and reduce overhead:
config["zero_optimization"]["overlap_allreduce"] = False config["zero_optimization"]["contiguous_gradients"] = False config["zero_optimization"]["stage"] = 3 config["zero_optimization"]["graph"]
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Created 1 year ago

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