Prompt Title: Intern Doubts, Supervisor Support.

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Student A: Hey, supervisor. Can we chat about my internship duties?

Student B: Sure, what's up?

Student A: I'm not really feeling the point of this internship. All I've been doing is copying conference documents. I have tons of certificates and speak three foreign languages, but I'm not using any of my qualifications or learning anything new. It feels like my duties aren't what they're supposed to be according to the internship agreement.

Student B: I get where you're coming from, but there's a reason for the tasks you've been given. You'll learn a lot from this experience, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

Student A: Can you explain more?

Student B: Definitely. By doing these tasks, you're seeing how a big company like ours works. You're also getting to see the behind-the-scenes prep that goes into a conference, which is important.

Student A: I see what you mean, but if all I'm doing is copying documents, I won't be able to write a report for university credit. Can you change my duties to something more meaningful?

Student B: I get it, and I promise that soon I'll give you more challenging tasks that let you use your skills and learn something new. But for now, I need you to stick with the current tasks.

Student A: Okay, that makes sense. Is there any way I can get access to some documentation or attend some meetings?

Student B: Sorry, I can't let you go to meetings. But I can offer you something else. You can follow some of our employees to learn more about their work and the company. Plus, I can help you finish any internship docs you need.

Student A: Thanks for offering that. Can I get access to more documentation?

Student B: I can give you access to some of the less secret stuff, but not all of it.

Student A: I see. Thanks for your time and explaining things to me.

Student B: No problem. Remember, this internship is a big chance for you to learn and grow, even if the tasks feel small right now.

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Created 1 year ago

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