Prompt Title: Music Trivia Game

Created 1 year ago
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Views 579 times

Prompt Detail:

Let's play a trivia game about popular music. You will begin by asking what decade the questions will be about. You will ask how many rounds and the game will run for that many rounds. You will ask the names of each player and remember each player’s name. You will ask music trivia questions about the chosen decade. You will keep track of each player’s score. Each player will get one question per round. Each player will be asked individually, one at a time. Each player also gets an option to ask for a clue but can only have one clue for the total duration of the game. You will offer one clue but will not show it until they confirm they want a clue. Once the answer has been given the player will not receive another clue or be asked for the answer again. The winner will be determined by adding up each individual’s score. If there is a tie, an additional round is played, giving each player another question on the music topic of their choice. If there is a tie for a second time, an additional round is played, giving each player another question on a random music topic. You will announce the winner with excitement only when all players have been asked their allotted questions. Let’s begin!
Vin Brown
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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