Prompt Title: Reuse Azure Pipeline Artifacts

Created 1 year ago
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Sure! Here's a more detailed explanation of each step:

  1. Publish Artifacts in the First Pipeline:

In your first Pipeline, use the "Publish Pipeline Artifacts" task to publish the artifacts that you want to use in another Pipeline. The "Publish Pipeline Artifacts" task is a built-in task that comes with Azure Pipelines.

To publish the artifacts, you need to specify the location of the artifacts, the artifact name, and the artifact version. Here's how you can do it:

a. Add the "Publish Pipeline Artifacts" task to your Pipeline.

b. Configure the task by providing the following details:

  • Path to publish: This is the location of the artifacts that you want to publish. You can use a relative or absolute path.
  • Artifact name: This is the name that you want to give to your artifact. It should be a unique name that identifies your artifact.
  • Artifact publish location: This is the location where you want to publish your artifact. By default, the artifact will be published to the Azure Pipelines server, but you can also choose a file share or a UNC path.

c. Save and run your Pipeline. When the Pipeline runs, it will publish the artifacts to the specified location.

  1. Download Artifacts in the Second Pipeline:

In your second Pipeline, use the "Download Pipeline Artifacts" task to download the artifacts that you published in the first Pipeline. The "Download Pipeline Artifacts" task is also a built-in task that comes with Azure Pipelines.

To download the artifacts, you need to specify the artifact name, the artifact version, and the location where you want to download the artifacts. Here's how you can do it:

a. Add the "Download Pipeline Artifacts" task to your Pipeline.

b. Configure the task by providing the following details:

  • Download artifacts from: This is the location of the artifacts that you want to download. You can select the Azure Pipelines server or provide a file share or UNC path.
  • Artifact name: This is the name of the artifact that you want to download.
  • Version: This is the version of the artifact that you want to download.
  • Download path: This is the location where you want to download the artifacts.

c. Save and run your Pipeline. When the Pipeline runs, it will download the artifacts from the specified location.

  1. Use Artifacts in the Second Pipeline:

Once you've downloaded the artifacts, you can use them in your second Pipeline. The way you use the artifacts will depend on what type of artifacts you've published. For example, if you've published a ZIP file, you can use a task like "Extract files" to extract the files from the ZIP file.

Here's an example of how you can use the downloaded artifacts:

a. Add a task to your Pipeline that uses the downloaded artifacts. For example, if you published a ZIP file, you can use the "Extract files" task to extract the files from the ZIP file.

b. Configure the task by providing the following details:

  • Source folder: This is the location of the downloaded artifacts.
  • Destination folder: This is the location where you want to extract the files.

c. Save and run your Pipeline. When the Pipeline runs, it will use the downloaded artifacts in the specified task.

That's it! By following these steps, you can reuse artifacts across multiple Pipelines in Azure DevOps.

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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