Prompt Title: ML Design Patterns Book

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Prompt Detail:

Sure, here is a table of chapter, section, and summarized bullet points for the book "Machine Learning Design Patterns: Solutions to common challenges in data, Model Building, and MLOps" by Valliappa Lakshmanan:

1Introduction to Machine Learning Design PatternsIntroduces the concept of machine learning design patterns and their importance in developing scalable and reliable ML systems.
2Data PatternsCovers patterns related to data acquisition, data preprocessing, and data validation. Includes patterns for handling missing data, dealing with imbalanced datasets, and data versioning.
3Model Building PatternsCovers patterns related to model selection, feature engineering, and hyperparameter tuning. Includes patterns for ensemble learning, transfer learning, and model explainability.
4MLOps PatternsCovers patterns related to model deployment, monitoring, and governance. Includes patterns for continuous integration and delivery, A/B testing, and model performance monitoring.
5Case StudiesProvides real-world case studies that demonstrate how the patterns covered in the book can be applied in practice. Includes case studies from various industries, including healthcare, finance, and e-commerce.
6ConclusionSummarizes the key takeaways from the book and provides recommendations for further reading.

I hope you find this helpful! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Created 1 year ago

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