Prompt Title: Implementing AI/ML in Power BI

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Implementing AI/ML in Power BI reports involves using machine learning models to analyze data and generate insights. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Prepare your data sources: To create a dataflow, you need to have your data sources ready. In this case, you can use a machine learning dataset from a set of online sessions, some of which culminated in a purchase [1].

  2. Access pre-trained machine learning models: In Power BI, you can use AI Insights to gain access to a collection of pre-trained machine learning models that enhance your data preparation efforts. You can find its associated features and functions through the Home and Add Column tabs in Power Query Editor [2].

  3. Create a machine learning model: You can create a machine learning model by selecting the ML icon in the Actions column of the dataflow table and selecting "Add a machine learning model." A simplified experience launches, consisting of a wizard that guides you through the process of creating the ML model. The wizard includes several simple steps [3].

  4. Use AutoML: AutoML is a new feature that enables business analysts to build machine learning models with clicks, not code, using just their Power BI skills. Power BI Dataflows offer a simple and powerful ETL tool that enables analysts to prepare data for further analytics [4].

  5. Access sample reports: The Power BI service provides a Knowledge center that includes several sample reports to help you get started. In the Sample reports section, you can select the Artificial Intelligence Sample report to see how AI can be used in Power BI [6].

  6. Connect to Azure Machine Learning: You can connect to an Azure Machine Learning model in the Power Query Editor and create a report with a visualization based on that model. You can then publish that report to the Power BI service and set up scheduled refresh for the report [7].

Overall, implementing AI/ML in Power BI reports involves using machine learning models to analyze data and generate insights. By following the steps outlined above, you can get started with using AI/ML in your own Power BI reports. Additionally, Power BI has been a pioneer in applying AI through capabilities such as natural language and Quick Insights [10].

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Created 1 year ago

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