Prompt Title: Hello and Assistance.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: hello

Hello! How can I assist you today?

Human: I am trying to use google tag manager to track my add spending. I have a react app the uses firebase and stripe payments the stripe payment link is self hosted using and as a result i cannot track a user once they go to the stripe self hosted url. How can i change this so that i can still track conversions that checkout via the self hosted stripe url?

To track conversions from users who complete their checkout process through the self-hosted Stripe payment link, you can use a combination of Google Tag Manager and Stripe's webhook feature.

First, set up a webhook in your Stripe account to send a notification to your server when a payment is made. You can then use this webhook to trigger a custom event in Google Tag Manager that will track the conversion.

Here are the general steps to set this up:

  1. In Google Tag Manager, create a new custom event trigger that will fire when the webhook notification is received. You can use the "Custom Event" trigger type for this, and give it a name like "Stripe Payment Complete."

  2. In your Stripe account, set up a webhook endpoint that will send a notification to your server when a payment is made. You can find detailed instructions on how to set this up in Stripe's documentation.

  3. When a payment is made, Stripe will send a webhook notification to your server. In your server code, parse the notification and use the Google Tag Manager API to send a data layer event to the page where the payment was made. This event should match the custom event trigger you created in step 1.

  4. In Google Tag Manager, create a new tag that will fire when the custom event trigger is activated. This tag can be set up to track your conversion, such as sending an event to Google Analytics or other tracking platforms.

With this setup, you should be able to track conversions even when users complete their checkout process through the self-hosted Stripe payment link.

Human: can you explain set 3 to me like i am 5?

Sure, I'll do my best to explain step 3 in simpler terms!

When you buy something online, you usually have to enter your name, address, and credit card information. Once you click "buy," that information goes to a special place called a "server," which makes sure the payment goes through.

In this case, we want to make sure that when you finish buying something through the self-hosted Stripe payment link, a message gets sent to Google Tag Manager so it knows that you made a purchase. To do that, we need to set up a special connection between Stripe and Google Tag Manager called a "webhook."

Think of a webhook like a phone that Stripe uses to call Google Tag Manager and say, "Hey, someone just bought something through the self-hosted payment link! Make sure to track that purchase!"

When Stripe makes that phone call (sends the webhook), it tells Google Tag Manager some important information about the purchase, like what the total amount was, what the product was, and who made the purchase.

Now, we want to make sure that Google Tag Manager knows what to do when it gets that phone call (webhook). So, we have to write a special set of instructions (called "code") that tells Google Tag Manager what to do with that information.

These instructions basically say, "Hey, when Google Tag Manager gets the phone call from Stripe, make sure to send a message to the website that says 'someone just bought something!'"

Once that message gets sent to the website, Google Tag Manager can then use it to track the purchase and do things like tell you how many people are buying things, how much money you're making, and other important information.

Human: Can you give me step by step instructions on how to do step three in a react app that uses firebase?

Certainly! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up Stripe webhook in your React app that uses Firebase:

  1. Go to your Stripe account and navigate to "Developers" → "Webhooks".
  2. Click "Add endpoint" and enter the URL of your Firebase Cloud Function. If you haven't created a Cloud Function yet, you can follow the Firebase documentation to create one.
  3. Choose the events that you want to receive notifications for. In this case, you'll want to select the "payment_intent.succeeded" event. This event is triggered when a payment is successfully completed on Stripe's end.
  4. Click "Add endpoint" to save your webhook.
  5. In your Firebase Cloud Function, you'll need to write code that handles the incoming Stripe webhook. Here's an example function that listens for the "payment_intent.succeeded" event:
const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const stripe = require('stripe')(functions.config().stripe.secret_key); exports.stripeWebhook = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => { const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature']; let event; try { event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(req.rawBody, sig, functions.config().stripe.webhook_secret); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return res.status(400).send(`Webhook Error: ${err.message}`); } if (event.type === 'payment_intent.succeeded') { // Send a data layer event to Google Tag Manager const purchase =; const dataLayer = { event: 'stripePaymentComplete', ecommerce: { purchase: { actionField: { id:, revenue: purchase.amount / 100, currency: purchase.currency }, products: [{ id: purchase.metadata.product_id, name: purchase.metadata.product_name, price: purchase.amount / 100, currency: purchase.currency, quantity: purchase.metadata.quantity }] } } }; const response = await fetch('', { method: 'HEAD' }); if (response.ok) { res.status(200).send('Webhook received successfully.'); const gtmScript = `dataLayer.push(${JSON.stringify(dataLayer)});`; res.send(`<script>${gtmScript}</script>`); } else { console.error(`Error sending data to Google Tag Manager: ${response.statusText}`); res.status(500).send('Error sending data to Google Tag Manager.'); } } else { console.log(`Received unhandled event type: ${event.type}`); res.status(200).send('Unhandled event type.'); } });

This function listens for Stripe webhook events, constructs an event object from the raw request body, and sends a data layer event to Google Tag Manager when a "payment_intent.succeeded" event is received.

Note that this example code assumes that you've set up a Cloud Function with the name "stripeWebhook", and that you've configured your Firebase environment with the appropriate Stripe API keys and webhook secret.

  1. Save your Cloud Function and deploy it to Firebase using the Firebase CLI.

Once you've set up your webhook and Cloud Function, you should be able to track conversions from your self-hosted Stripe payment link using Google Tag Manager.

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Created 1 year ago

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