Prompt Title: Project engineer

Created 1 year ago
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Views 284 times

Prompt Detail:

  • Led and managed a team of 120 workers and equipment for the execution of underground services, including 64 km of piping work (excavation, pipe installation, and backfill), 1100 manhole installations and cast in site, and casting of duct banks, cable trenches, and other infrastructure for the Al Zour Refinery project in Kuwait.
  • Developed detailed plans for the work, allocated scopes and equipment to the team, and provided technical expertise and guidance to ensure that the work was executed efficiently and effectively.
  • Monitored and controlled the progress of the work to ensure adherence to project timelines and specifications, and provided technical solutions to resolve any on-site problems that arose during the execution of the work.
Shared 2 prompts
Created 1 year ago

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