Prompt Title: Fiduciary Capacity Explained.

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Prompt Detail:

Fiduciary capacity refers to a legal or ethical relationship in which one party (the fiduciary) is entrusted with the duty to act in the best interest of another party (the beneficiary) with respect to a particular matter or property. The fiduciary is expected to act with the highest level of care, loyalty, and good faith towards the beneficiary, and must put the beneficiary's interests ahead of their own.

Fiduciary relationships can arise in various contexts, such as in business, finance, law, and healthcare. Examples of fiduciaries include trustees who manage a trust on behalf of its beneficiaries, financial advisors who manage their clients' investments, attorneys who represent their clients' interests, and doctors who provide medical care to their patients.

In summary, a fiduciary is a person or entity that has been entrusted with a responsibility to act in the best interests of another party and to prioritize their interests above their own.

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Created 1 year ago

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