Prompt Title: Mac HD to Windows

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

If your external hard drive was formatted for Mac using NTFS, you should be able to access it on a Windows laptop with the help of some third-party software. Here are a few options:

  1. Paragon NTFS for Mac: Paragon NTFS for Mac is a paid software that allows you to read and write to NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac. You can use it to create a driver that enables Windows to read and write to your Mac-formatted external hard drive.

  2. Tuxera NTFS for Mac: Tuxera NTFS for Mac is another paid software that allows you to read and write to NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac. It's similar to Paragon NTFS for Mac, and either option should work for your needs.

  3. NTFS-3G: NTFS-3G is a free, open-source software that allows you to read and write to NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac. However, it may not be as user-friendly as the paid options.

Once you've installed the appropriate software on your Mac, you should be able to connect your external hard drive to your Windows laptop and access the files as usual.

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Created 1 year ago

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