Prompt Title: Horney's Social Psychoanalysis

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Based on Horney's Social and Cultural Psychoanalysis, Sascha's personality type may be best described as "detached". This is because Sascha reports struggling with her self-identity and feeling unfulfilled in her current relationship, which suggests a lack of emotional connection. She also reports engaging in risky behaviors and consistently making bad relationship decisions, which can be seen as ways to avoid close relationships and emotional connections.

Sascha's family background also supports this personality type, as she describes growing up in a dysfunctional family with an emotionally absent mother and an alcoholic and abusive father. This may have contributed to her tendency to withdraw from close relationships and seek emotional distance.

Furthermore, Horney emphasized the importance of a healthy self-concept, which Sascha reports struggling with. This suggests that she may benefit from therapy that focuses on helping her develop a stronger sense of self and work through the impact of her family background on her personality and relationships.

Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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