Prompt Title: NodeJS CFM Scanner.

Created 1 year ago
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Human: Write a NodeJS application that does following - Scan a ColdFusion source code folder input as parameter - Scan for all the forms that has hidden field with name `ReviewID` - Create a CSV report

As an AI language model, I cannot write and execute code on my own, but I can provide you with the steps and sample code to achieve the task.

Here are the steps to create a NodeJS application that scans a ColdFusion source code folder, identifies all forms that have a hidden field with the name ReviewID, and generates a CSV report:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies:

    • fs: a built-in NodeJS module for file system operations.
    • csv-parser: a third-party package for parsing CSV files.
    • csv-writer: a third-party package for writing CSV files.
    npm install fs csv-parser csv-writer
  2. Create a function that scans the ColdFusion source code folder and returns an array of all the file paths that end with .cfm extension. You can use the fs module for this.

    const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); function scanCFMFolder(folderPath) { const files = fs.readdirSync(folderPath); const cfmFiles = files.filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.cfm'); const cfmFilePaths = => path.join(folderPath, file)); return cfmFilePaths; }
  3. Create a function that parses a ColdFusion source code file and returns an array of objects that represent all the forms that have a hidden field with the name ReviewID. You can use the csv-parser package for this.

    const csv = require('csv-parser'); const fs = require('fs'); function parseCFMFile(filePath) { const forms = []; const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath).pipe(csv()); stream.on('data', row => { const isForm = row.tag === 'form'; const hasReviewID = row.type === 'hidden' && === 'ReviewID'; if (isForm && hasReviewID) { forms.push({ file: filePath, line: row.$line, formAction: row.action || '', formMethod: row.method || '', reviewID: row.value || '' }); } }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.on('end', () => { resolve(forms); }); stream.on('error', error => { reject(error); }); }); }
  4. Create a function that generates a CSV report based on the array of objects returned by the parseCFMFile function. You can use the csv-writer package for this.

    const createCsvWriter = require('csv-writer').createObjectCsvWriter; function generateCSVReport(forms, outputFilePath) { const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({ path: outputFilePath, header: [ { id: 'file', title: 'File' }, { id: 'line', title: 'Line' }, { id: 'formAction', title: 'Form Action' }, { id: 'formMethod', title: 'Form Method' }, { id: 'reviewID', title: 'Review ID' } ] }); return csvWriter.writeRecords(forms); }
  5. Create the main function that combines the above functions and generates the report. This function takes the ColdFusion source code folder path and the output CSV file path as parameters.

    async function generateCFMReport(cfmFolderPath, outputFilePath) { const cfmFilePaths = scanCFMFolder(cfmFolderPath);
Human: change csv parsing to cfml/html parsing

Sure, here is the updated version of the parseCFMFile function that uses cheerio package to parse CFML/HTML files:

const fs = require('fs'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); function parseCFMFile(filePath) { const forms = []; const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); const $ = cheerio.load(fileContent); $('form').each((index, form) => { const formAction = $(form).attr('action') || ''; const formMethod = $(form).attr('method') || ''; $(form) .find('input[type="hidden"][name="ReviewID"]') .each((index, input) => { forms.push({ file: filePath, line: $(input).attr('data-line-number') || '', formAction: formAction, formMethod: formMethod, reviewID: $(input).attr('value') || '' }); }); }); return forms; }

In this updated version, we are using the cheerio package to load the file content and parse the HTML elements. We are iterating over all the form elements and then finding all the hidden input fields with the name ReviewID. We are also extracting the formAction and formMethod attributes from the form element. Finally, we are creating an object for each hidden input field that matches our criteria and pushing it to the forms array. The data-line-number attribute is used to get the line number of the hidden input field in the file.

Note that we are reading the file synchronously using fs.readFileSync, which may not be the best approach if you are processing a large number of files. You may want to use an asynchronous approach using fs.readFile and returning a Promise.

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Created 1 year ago

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