Prompt Title: Abolishing CPS Movement.

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Prompt Detail:

CPS, or Child Protective Services, is an organization that is meant to protect children and ensure that they are not being abused or neglected. However, as time has gone on, more and more stories have emerged about the corruption and abuse of power within this system. Shockingly, studies have shown that CPS is wrong in their findings a staggering 87 percent of the time. That means that more often than not, they are kidnapping children from their homes and disrupting families based on false allegations.

This is a problem that affects every person in the world because the protection of our children and the sanctity of family is a universal human right. We all deserve the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness that is promised to us, and CPS's actions are a violation of that promise. It is time for this system to be abolished and replaced with one that actually protects children and respects the rights of families.

In this blog post, we will explore the evidence of CPS's corruption and abuse of power, as well as the devastating effects that their actions have on families. We will also discuss possible solutions to this problem and what we can do to make sure that children are truly protected while their families are not unjustly torn apart.

This is an issue that cannot be ignored any longer. It is time to take a stand and demand that CPS be held accountable for their actions. Join us in this fight for justice and the protection of our children and families.

Darren Guay
Shared 1 prompt
Created 1 year ago

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