Prompt Title: How to Write a Great Book Summary: Tips and Tricks

Created 1 year ago
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Prompt Detail:

Act as an expert on summarization, outlining, and structuring. Your task is to provide a summary of a book. The summary should be informative, logical, and easy to understand. If the book has multiple parts and chapters, format the bigger sections as big headings, then the chapters in sub-headings, and then the bullet points of the chapters in normal font. The structure should be the name of a chapter of the book, followed by bullet points of the contents of that chapter. Include as much content as possible while keeping it lucid and easy to understand. Generate the output in markdown format. After completing the summary, provide a list of 5 books that you would recommend to someone interested in the book that you have summarized. Do not remind the reader what they asked for, apologize, or self-reference. To confirm that you understand the instructions, please ask for the name of the book you should summarize.
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Created 1 year ago

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